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Chapter 39B

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~Back At Ackman Castle~


Walking behind the guard to the dungeon I felt annoyed that my afternoon plans had been slightly ruined to a stupid blonde brat. Walking down the dark steps into the dungeons I watched the blonde brat stop at the last step. Lifting my right leg up I harshly kick him down the last step. "Idiot, no one told you to stop." I say.

The guard tugged the boy along before shoving him into a nearby free cell. Locking it the guard handed me the key for safekeeping. Standing in front of the door I watched as the blonde brat sat on his bed. "It's pointless to think of escaping, I have guards everywhere... and don't get too comfortable my nephew will make you regret ever attempting to kill his lover." I announce.

Silent I watch the boy keep his eyes on the floor. The only way we're going to get this bastard to talk is torture. Placing the key in my pocket I turn my back to the cell door and slowly make my way up back to the main ground.


Walking through the palace doors Levi tugged me along up the stairs. He had made it clear that I was to bathe first before even thinking about going to see Reiner. Walking up the steps closely behind him he led me through the third floor hall, into our bedroom then into the bathroom.

There he turned on the water to the bath, placing his hand under the running water he made sure it was nice and warm for me. Turning to me he snapped his fingers. "Undress brat." he says.

Tensing up at the realization he wasn't leaving I felt my face instantly grow warm. "Y-you're staying?" I ask.

With a soft sigh he stood up. "Of course... you needn't be ashamed of your appearance if that's what's keeping you from stripping." he says.

Standing there I look to the ground feeling slightly self conscious. He has technically seen my upper half. "If you don't strip this instant, I'll come over there and do it myself." he says. Looking up at him slightly surprised I nod my head.

Turning away from him I begin to slowly strip. Once fully undressed I kept my back to him, hearing another sigh escape his lips I turn my head slightly. "You realize that at some point in our lives we will be seeing each other like this." Levi mention.

"I-I know." I mutter.


Watching as she slowly turned part of the way I could see her tomato red face. How does she expect to have children if she's so afraid of being naked in front of me. Walking over to her I grab her shoulder before quickly turning her around. Gasping in surprise her eyes widened at my quick actions.

Gently pushing her towards the bath she quickly stepped in. Sitting in the warm water the bubbles I had put in covered most of her chest while her arms did the rest. Kneeling on the ground I grab a nearby loofa, lathering it in soap I wet it down a bit before gently running it across (Y/N)'s back.

Who knew washing someone would be so calming. Wetting her hair I begin to wash it for her while she sat there quietly. This would be much easier if I was in there with her... maybe next time I'll join.

By the time she was finished I stood there with a towel ready to dry her off. She seemed a little more relaxed with me seeing her bare. Standing in the tub she turn to me no longer hiding. "Careful now, it's slippery." I warn her.

Slowly stepping out she does her best to be careful but due to the floor being wet she did indeed slip. Gasping softly I swoop in catching her in the towel. Stepping away from the wet area I set her on a dry part of the floor. Wrapping the towel around her I watched her face as it turned a light shade of pink. "Dress, then we'll go talk to Reiner... but after that you are not allowed to see him you hear me?" I ask.

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