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Chapter 36B

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Sitting there watching Reiner circle me like a vulture I felt slightly scared seeing the knife he hand in his pocket glinting in the moonlight. After fully walking around, he stood there in front of me, ripping the piece of cloth from my mouth I turn to him again. "What do you want from me?" I ask.

Giving me a devilish smirk he stood up straight. "Nobody wants a fake princess ruling their kingdom." he says.

Confused I watch him as he turns away from me. So, he does know my secret. "I thought you said you were from a island to the south, all of that would be... Kustea." I say. Did Jean send him?

"Did Prince Jean send you?" I ask.

A soft laugh escaped his lips as he turned to me. "I lied, I was born in Estra, I am no duke." he confesses.

"What are you going to do?" I ask.

Pulling the knife from his pocket his fingers ran against the blade. "Well, I can't kill you... that will be her job." he says.

Her? Her who? "Who's job?" I ask.

Scuffing at me he looked at me in disbelief as if I should know the answer. "You honestly have no clue do you?" he asks. Shaking my head I watch him walk around me once again. Leaning down he came close to my ear.

"Pitty, it looks like you'll have to wait, I'll take you to her, I'm sure you'll recognize her once you see." he says softly.

Confused I turn my head and looked at him. "So, annoying was you, you were the one that shot me in the ear and arm." I say.

"Who else? Your servants are pretty loyal, I couldn't have been able to ask one without them running to tell you." he says.

"Might I say that your aiming sucks then." I insult.

Giving me another smirk I watch him continue to play with the knife. "Funny you should say that because I didn't intend on killing you, I did it to scare you." he says. Flashing a glare up at him I again try to wiggle my way out.

From doing this my wrists started to burn from the rope rubbing against my skin. "Stop struggling, you're hurting yourself." he says.

"Who do you work for?" I ask again.

His expression turned annoyed at the repeated question. "So, he." he says.

"How do you know my secret?" I ask.

Crossing his arms he turned to me. "I overheard many of your conversations, you, and Erwin should really find a more private place to talk next time." he says. So, that heard mine and Eriwns discussion.

"Now, we best be going before someone starts looking for you." he says. Walking around me he starts to loosen the ropes just enough to pull me from the chair. Pushing me up to where I was standing I continued to face the door.

I heard footsteps resonate from behind the door. My heart leap from my chest as I watched the door swing open. But then I felt something sharp lightly press against my neck. Looking down for a moment I find the knife pressed against my neck ready to slit. I thought he couldn't kill me? As my eyes moved upward toward the door I find Levi standing there.

"L-Levi, get out of here!" I yell.

Slowly walking in his hands were slightly raised in a surrendering motion. "Let her go, now." Levi says in a calm tone.

Pulling me back against his chest Reiner held me tightly while pointing the knife at Levi. "Like he'll I'd give her to you, she has to pay for her years of lying to her people." Reiner says.

"If you put the knife down we can work something out, I'll give you anything, money, a ticket out of the continent, you name it." Levi says.

"Sorry but bargaining isn't going to do you any good." Reiner says.

Watching Levi intensely I watched his eyes shift to the window, after quickly moving away I heard a loud shatter. Jerking my head to look behind I find the window broken. Hearing a loud thud I turn seeing Reiner now kneeling down holding his leg.

Looking out the window I find a figure standing on the roof. Watching the figure get closer I start to make out the person. It was Kenny. The ropes that had restrained me were cut loose by Levi as I turned to him. He saved me yet again.

Grabbing my hand he quickly led me from the room and down the flight of stairs. How on earth did he find me? Running down the stairs he tugged me along the hall until he stopped at my bedroom door.

Opening it he gently pushed me in before entering himself. Closing the door behind him he rushed over to me. "Are you hurt?" he asks.

Scanning my body his head moved from side to side. "I-I'm fine, how did you find me?" I ask.

"A servant told Kenny that they saw Reiner taking rope that way." Levi answers. After finding my body perfectly fine he grabbed both shoulders and pulled me into an embrace.

"You shit, you need to be more careful." he mutters.

Wrapping my arms around his wait I hid my face in his chest. "I-I'm sorry" I whisper.

Running his fingers through my hair he let out a slightly guilty sigh. "Don't be, you're safe and that's all that matters." he says.

Pushing him away I keep my hands against his chest to leave space between us. "N-no, I need to be, I've put you through so much in the past few months, and you have to put up with it." I say.

Standing there silently he looked down at me with a dull expression. Watching his hand come to my forehead I looked at him a little confused until I felt a small sting at my forehead. He had flicked me on the forehead. Placing my hand on the spot he had flicked I rub it gently. "Idiot." he says. Pulling me back in I stood there taking in the warmth he provided.

"You were right... I missed you." he mutters.

Looking up at him I watch his face turn slightly red. He...missed me. "I-I missed you too." I stutter nervously. I was a little shocked that he had flat out said he missed me, falling back into his arms I didn't know what else to say.

I didn't care about the ball, instead of going I stayed with Levi a while longer standing there silently. I knew he'd be going back home tomorrow, and I didn't know how long I'd be able to hold in my emotions.

Sitting on the bed together Levi folded his hands together. "I found your letters in your trash." he says.

Slightly embarrassed I sat there tensed up. I shouldn't be embarrassed if he already knows how I feel about him. Turning to me his eyes locked with mine. "U-uh... you don't need to worry... I know your feelings are probably far gone by now... that is if you even felt the same." I ramble nervously.

Turning his head away again I watched his he slapped his face. Letting out a guilty sigh he sat there silently. Is he mad at me for saying that? Mad at himself maybe? Removing his hand he continued to avoid my gaze. "I don't deserve you, I really don't." he says.

Ready to say something he sits up straight. "My feelings mirror yours but I'm afraid I'll ruin you... I've said a lot of hurtful things... even denied it... and I feel like that part of me won't change and I fear that you'll grow to hate it and hate me, then leave me again." he mutters.


"So that is why I can't be with you... as much as I want that to happen, I just don't deserve you." he says.

Watching him stand from my bed he brushed himself off and headed to the door. "Goodnight (Y/N)." he says softly.

With that he closed the door, he closed the door on me and any possibility of a future together. Sitting there shocked that he had finally accepted it. He finally accepted that he is scared, and hopelessly in love with me. 

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