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Chapter 31B

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A new day came to Ackman Castle, I had been sitting in my office signing very important documents containing (Y/N) and Kenny's medical records, it was to make sure that everything was in order. No news of Jean's movement out of the continent have been made yet, the only way (Y/N) and I could get tied into it were if he charged us with something.

As of now we were keeping a low profile and signing restraining orders against him to make sure that if he somehow made it back to Iudune then he would be in trouble, worse than he already is.

Reading over the medical records of (Y/N)'s I had seen they had added the lashes that had been given by Kenny. Beside it, I wrote a note mentioning it was done of her free will and had asked for it before signing the document.

Setting the paper aside I then hear a small knock at the door, possibly (Y/N). "Come in," I call.

The click of the opening door made my head turn to see who was entering. It was (Y/N), closing the door she turned and looked over to me. "Good Morning." she greets.

"Morning, did you need something?" I ask.

Folding her hands behind her back she shook her head. "Just thought I could hang out in here for a while... it feels weird not to," she mutters.

Nodding my head slowly I watch her step over to the sofa and sit, now with her hands folded in front I see the ring I had given her glinting in the sunlight. I felt a warm sensation take place in my chest like before, but it was stronger than before. Clenching my shirt over my heart I dart my eyes away from the girl. "Something wrong?" she asks.

"Nope, n-nothing just heartburn." I ramble. Liar. It's not heartburn.

"Oh... do you want something then?" she asks.

Clearing my throat I take my hand off my shirt and fix my cravat. "No thank you, it'll pass," I say in a calmer tone.

Nodding she turned her head and just sat there. I did my best not to get distracted and got back to work. Moments later she cleared her throat to grab my attention. Looking up from my desk I give her a slightly annoyed glare. "I heard the carriage has been fixed... when you're done why don't we go into town for a little bit," she says.

Nodding my head slowly I look back down at the documents. "As you wish," I mutter. Hearing a soft shuffling I heard her shoes tap against the hardwood floor.

"Okay then... I'll go get ready," she mutters. Nodding I kept my eyes to the paper and continued reading before signing it. Hearing the door shut I let out an overdrawn sigh before leaning back in my chair.

Pushing myself away from the desk I stand up and fix my coat before tossing the pen down onto the desk. I swear this girl is going to be the end of me. Feeling an emptiness from the lack of her presence made me feel uneasy, wanting to run after her and tell her to never leave. Slapping my forehead I let out an annoyed groan.

"Idiot, get your shit together," I mutter to myself.


Standing there looking at my reflection I looked to my hip finding the baldric wrapped around my waist with the sword tightly placed to my side in it. I know Levi wouldn't want me protecting him but I wanted to keep my word with the contract that not been lifted, I knew he still had it and soon would be lifting the duty from me in order for me to leave.

I had worn the usual leather pants with a blouse. Turning I step towards the door, swiftly opening it I find a Levi ready to knock. His eyes scanned my outfit stopping at the sword in the baldric. "What's this about?" he asks pointing at the weapon.

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