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Chapter 51: Getaway

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The last of the bags had been carefully placed at the back of the carriage. Levi and I were going to spend two days at the lake house, from their we would cut through the woods and board a ship. Staying at the lake house would cut our travel time a good portion making it so we'd hopefully get there earlier.

I felt a hand at my lower back making my head turn. It was of course Levi. "You ready?" he asks.

Nodding my head I walk around to the right, the driver opened the door for us as I climbed in first. Sitting next to the window I saw the sun shining through the trees. It was a fairly warm day today.

As the door shut to the carriage we waited for a few moments as the driver got to his post, the snapping of the reins were loud and clear just before the horses began moving. The carriage took off fast into the woods. Normally we would keep heading straight, but the carriage turned to the left heading deeper into the woods.

It would only take a few hours to arrive to the lake house, I had never been and was a little excited, it would just be me and Levi. We hadn't spoke of the topic of sex since Levi suddenly brought it up yesterday. I admit it did make me a little nervous knowing Levi would be wanting to do those things sooner. I have a little under two months until my 18th birthday.

In this time typically girls around my age or a couple years younger would already be married off or courting for a husband, but due to my father's rule he made me wait until I was 17 to start searching for a husband. It had been six days since New Year's, Levi, and I would be spending two days at the lake house.

~Time Skip~

As we grew closer to the lake house the carriage rode alongside the lake, through the trees I could see bit of the house. I wonder what it looks like in the fall, it must be lovely. Taking a right turn we came up to the gate, tall iron rod in an elegant design stood before the carriage preventing trespassers from entering. A guard had come up to the window before waving his hand to the other guard.

Moments later the screeching sound of the gate opening caught my attention. Slowly the carriage pushed forward before turning again to the front of the house. Going around the fountain, stopping abruptly we waited as the driver slowly climbed down. Turning my head to the back I watched through the back window as servants began taking our bags.

Levi's door opened, watching as he slowly climbed out, I did so right after him. Taking Levi's hand he helped me out, looking around I took in the scenery, the lake was large and frozen over.

Walking inside Levi followed closely behind making sure I wouldn't slip. Opening the front doors I walk inside, the foyer was decorated made to look like a grandmother's house, it some how reminded me of my grandmother's home when I would visit her.

I wandered about the house with Levi's watchful eye seeming to make sure I didn't go somewhere he didn't want me to just, yet or to tell me what room it was.

Walking over to the kitchen I saw a spacious backyard overlooking the lake. It's beautiful. "Are you done yet?" Levi asks in an impatient tone.

Turning to him I nod my head and walk over to him. "We'll go horseback riding later, let's get lunch first." Levi says.

Nodding I walk over to the little table with him and sit. Our lunch was served quickly, a bowl of soup and bread. Eating our food quickly, I found myself finishing before Levi, I took the time to go find our room.

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