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Chapter 15: Unexplainable Feelings

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The thin walls of Grish Palace kept me from sleeping as I heard small grunts and groans resonate on the other side of the wall. The person on the other side of that wall was Levi. At first, I thought he was doing something I could only imagine waiting as it only got worse. I could hear my name.

I sat there blushing madly at the thought of what he could be doing that would make him say my name. I couldn't move let alone breathe but then I heard yelling thinking he had finally come to an end. But that was only part of what my mind was telling me, the other half told me he could be having a nightmare.

For a while, his whimpers and cries for help continued that's when I knew he couldn't possibly be doing such sinful things. Slowly I get out of bed as my nightgown falls just above my knees. Quickly I rush out of my room and head next door to Levi's. I was hesitant to walk in not knowing what he could possibly be doing.

I turn the knob slowly and open the door. I peek in finding it clear to walk in, slowly I step into the room. I walked up alongside the bed finding a sweaty Levi with tears coming from his tightly shut eyes. I lean down a bit and place my hands on his shoulders. I lightly shake his body to wake him. Eventually, he jolted up with a gasp, he was out of breath and a little startled. "W-what the hell are you doing in here?" he asks.

"Thin walls... so I heard you and wanted to check to see if you were alright." I answer.

He didn't say anything, he just grabbed the glass of water on his nightstand and took a large gulp. "I guess since you're alright I leave." I say. I turn to walk away.

"Wait." he calls almost in a needy tone.

I turn to him watching as he wiped his tears away. Was his nightmare really that bad? For this moment I let past quarrels go and walk over to his bed again. I get on at the foot of the bed and sit in front of him. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask.

"Not really," he says.

Silently I nod understanding why. I felt his hands lay on top of mine, I look up to meet his eyes, in them, it almost looked as if he needed me to stay by his side. "Stay with me tonight?" he asks. His hands ran up the side of my arm lightly trying to pull me in next to him. Slowly I crawl over next to him pulling down the skirt of my nightgown. As I was doing so his hand laid on my hip as his thumb lightly rubbed my hip.

"Get some sleep." he whispers.

"Are you sure? I can stay up with you a while longer." I yawn.

"I'll go back to sleep in a bit," he whispers. I nod as I lay my head on the pillow, I felt his hand run through my hair lightly as I slowly fell into a deep sleep.

~The Next Morning~

I woke up to an empty bed. A little disappointed I frown and lift my head from the pillow. I find Levi sitting at the foot of the bed still shirtless. "Levi?" I call quietly.

He turned halfway looking back at me. "Morning brat." he greets.

"Did you get enough sleep?" I ask as I crawl over next to him. Again I pull the skirt of my nightgown down to avoid revealing anything. I sat on the edge of the bed with my legs crossed.

He slightly nodded his head as his fingers ran through his jet black hair. "Do you still not want to talk about it?" I ask.

"Not at the moment... besides... aren't you supposed to be mad at me or something?" he asks.

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