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Chapter 41: Defenseless in the Dark

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Standing at the grand doors I watched as the servants took my bags out to the carriage. It was my first trip without Levi, I was headed to Drairia to seek aid in the investigations. "Are you sure you still don't want me to go with you?" Levi ask. Turning to him I give him a confident smile.

There he stood next to me also watching the servants carrying my bags. Sneakily I intertwine my fingers with his. "I'm sure, it'll only be a couple days... you have nothing to worry about, I'll be untouchable with Eren's protection." I reassure.

"Tch, don't let that kid touch you." he groans softly. Smirking slightly at his words I nod my head.

"I better go." I say.

Walking forward with Levi's hand slowly slipping out of mine I felt his fingers tighten quickly, yanking me back my heels clicked against the ground loudly due to my unstable steps back.

Pushed up against Levi I look up to meet his gaze. "Be safe brat." he says. With that he placed a soft kiss on my forehead before his hands slipped out of mine.

Smiling once more I nod, turning away I again head out the door, standing at the top of the stairs I look down at the neatly decorated white and gold carriage. Tilting my head up and slightly looking back I find Levi still standing there watching me.

Turning forward I press on making my way down the stairs slowly towards the carriage. Once I stood in front of the opened door I slightly smile at the man holding the door before climbing in.

The door shut as I looked out the window back up at Levi who still stood watching over. Moments later the carriage slowly pulled away from the stairs and around the yard. Once past the gate I looked through the back window at the castle. It's only a couple days.

Sitting forward I let out a sigh. I wonder how much help Eren will be. Looking out the window I kept my eyes looking outside, memories of when Levi and I got caught in a storm flooded my mind, remembering every expression Levi had, mainly worry and how I got injured.

But everything now was covered in snow and very much cold. Pulling the string to the curtains I watched them fall over the windows. Hoping to provide me with more warmth I sat there holding myself.

~Time Skip~

A day had past when we had made it into the snowy city of Krovia. It was evening, the sky was in many shades of warm colors. The inlands of Iudune had all four seasons while places like Aubern and Huskuecia had longer periods of winter. Pulling up in front of Grish Palace, looking up the stairs I find Grisha, and Eren with a young woman standing behind him.

Opening the door to the carriage myself I step out with my coat wrapped around me tightly. Looking at the steps I made my way up them rather quickly. Reaching the last step I look up at the three of them. Being greeted with warm warms both Grisha and Eren welcomed me. "Let's get you something warm to eat." Eren says. Nodding my head I turn my attention to the girl who stood behind.

Blonde hair and elf ears. Smiling nicely to her she only bowed her head silently greeting me. She must be a maid. Before getting the chance to introduce myself to the new maid I was pushed inside.

Feeling my jacket being pulled from my shoulders I turn to find another person peeling the coat from me. Brushing off my shirt I look to Eren who stood beside me. "I'd really like to discuss the reasons for me being here." I say.

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