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Chapter 44: I Knew For a While

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Days had passed as we continued our search at sea for my beloved (Y/N). Standing there on the quarterdeck I overlooked the ocean in search for a ship that wasn't ours. I was growing tired at the endless view of the open sea.

But today, it was foggy and quiet, setting an eerie mood. "Keep your eyes open." Eren says as he come up to stand beside me.

"See anything thing?" he asks me.

"If I did I wouldn't be standing here so casually." I answer in a dull tone.

Not receiving some smug comment I turn to see Eren looking the otherway. In the distance we could barely see an island. Eren quickly turned and told the helmsman to turn the ship in the direction heading for the island. Watching the man turn the wheel I felt the ship quickly turning. Please be there.

I felt on edge, feeling that is was the one, (Y/N) had to be here. I wasn't going home until I found her. As we grew closer the more the island became visible, and a shit at the shore. Eren had walked away probably reading his men for some sort of battle.

I wasn't looking to fight, not unless I really had to. I felt like I could jump off this ship right now and make it before them. But these waters were probably infested with sharks looking for something other than fish to eat.


My hands were behind my back as I was yanked off the boat, an elder man held me with rope that had hung around my neck, loose enough so I wouldn't choke, but tight enough that I could slip my head through. I had hoped to win Ymir over with Historia but she didn't give a damn.

As we reached the ramp I stood there hesitant to make a move knowing that what awaited me was death. "Move it." the man says as he kicks me down the ramp harshly. I thought I would have tumbled but I didn't luckily.

Turning my head I find Ymir standing there watching me. "Ymir please, there still time for you to change your mind." I beg.

"I'm not changing my mind, not when you're worth so much." she says slowly getting quieter.

I let out a defeated sigh. Looking back out into the sea all I could see was the horizon covered in fog, I had hoped that a ship would appear from the fog and be my rescue... but it wasn't. Wiggling my hands I had hoped to break free, only it burned my wrists more than it did before when I had been doing on the ride here.

Again, the man kicked me forward, this time I did tumble, right into the sand. I had gotten a mouth full of sand in my mouth from the fall it felt suffocating since I couldn't get myself to stand up. All I could do was wiggle slightly trying to turn my head to the side to get hair and spit out the sand.

But it only got worse as the man who held the rope around my throat slowly pulled me up not only was I coughing up sand but gasping for the little air I had due to the pressure at my throat. Turning my head slightly I glared at the man for his actions.

Standing on my feet I stood there for a moment, taking in my surroundings I knew I wouldn't escape easily, but a better chance than I did on the boat. Swinging my left leg around in a roundhouse kick my foot made contact with the man's face. Quicking running past the boat I tried to outrun the other crew members.

As I got to the edge of the boat I caught a glimpse of something in the distance moving slowly out of the fog. Another boat. Before I could do anything I was tackled to the ground on my stomach with my head buried in the sand yet again. "Damn bitch." I hear a man hiss. There is help, please come this way!

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