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Chapter 14: The Drairian Prince

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It had been a couple of days since Levi and I fought, now we were on the road slowly making our way to Drairia. I was following close behind the carriage Levi was currently riding in. Alongside me rode Sasha, she was ordered to come as an extra guard.

"So, is there a reason you're hiding your identity, M'lady," Sasha asks in Seagarian.

"To get out of an arranged marriage with an abusive man," I answer truthfully in a soft tone so the Prince couldn't hear me.

"What?!" Sasha said in a shocked tone loudly.

"Shh keep your voice down," I whisper.

"Sorry," she whispers again. I look forward seeing Levi glancing back before he faced forward.

The rest of the way Sasha and I talked quietly about my reason for hiding. I also did my best with keeping watch over the carriage as the forest grew thicker and darker. It was becoming nightfall and looked as if it were going to rain.

We went a little further before setting up camp. The maids set up Levi's tent which sat next to mine. There was a light pitter-patter to the rain hitting the tent from outside. I was sitting on the ground with a book in my hand just about ready to sleep when the front of my tent opened up. I look up from my book seeing Levi standing there in his pajamas.

"Do you need something, sir?" I ask.


You. Mentally I slap myself at that thought. I let out a small groan and avert my eyes. I was a little worried that a storm could develop within the hour. "I... I wanted to stay with you awhile... just in case... y-you know." I stutter.

"Oh... if that is what you wish," she says in a nervous tone.

Tense now I quickly make my way over next to her and sit beside her. She went back to her book as I sat there quietly growing more and more sleepy. (F/N) must have noticed, she turn out the light and put her book down. She turned to me and laid on her side. I did the same, I made sure I was face to face with her so I could see her eyes. "Levi... can I ask you something?" she asks softly.

"Anything," I answer.

"Why do you feel the need to come to me when there is a storm? Why even worry?" she asks.

"Because it sucks going through things like that alone," I answer truthfully.

"Oh... I see... may I ask a personal question?" she asks.

I nod as I move closer to her leaving little space between us. "The queen of this land... preferably your mother... what was she like?" she asks. I felt a tug at my heart as she asked the question I had dreaded to talk about. Do I give her a short cold-hearted answer or the honest answer?

"My mother... she was a bright person... I only knew her since the age of five, but she was always happy and wanted me to be happy...She was grateful for what she had even if she had nothing because she had me." I explain.

"What happened to her?" she asks more pushing for more information about myself.

"She left me and died when I was thirteen," I answer bluntly. Then, I felt her hand lay on top of mine almost in a sincere way to comfort me.

"I'm sorry," she whispers.

"Tch... it was a long time ago." I say as I turn to lay on my back.

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