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Chapter 50: Together

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After spending the night in Trosan, Levi and I left early in the morning. Cutting through the mountains we made our way home within a day. It was sunset by the time we had arrived to Ackman Castle. Levi and I were both fairly tired and glad to be home.

As the carriage came to stop I found the castle had already been lit making the castle glow in the darkness of night. A truly beautiful sight with the dark purples of the sun setting. Taking Levi's hand in mine I climbed from the carriage. Pulling my cloak closer together I tried to keep myself warm as Levi and I quickly made our way inside.

The castle was dark inside seeming to be vacant. The servants must be done for the day. As Levi made a beeline for the stairs a fellow guard came in from to switch with the night guard. "Oh M'lady! Your highness!" the guard calls.

Turning I watch the man run up to us. Bowing quickly he greeted us and stood up straight. "Your uncle wished for me to inform you that he is in Estra meeting with the Queen." he informs us.

Turning to him confused I wondered why. "Did he explain why?" I ask.

"He wished to help the queen ease the citizen of the news of your adoption." he says. Turning my eyes to Levi he seemed a little uneasy. I didn't realize my mother was having problems... I really need to write her a letter.

Bowing to him I thank him before bidding him a good night. Quickly turning to Levi we both quickly ascended the grand stairs up to his office. Rushing down the hall I stop at the double glass doors to Levi's office. Twisting the gold knob I enter quickly, slipping my cloak off I hang it on the hook next to the door before turning toward his desk.

Walking over to his desk I sit in his spinning chair with red leather that seemed to have grown flat due to sitting in it for such long hours. I pulled a blank sheet of paper and began writing my letter. I had been so caught up with Levi and this whole Annie situation I had forgotten how much work my mother was doing alone.

It was an apology letter and one to let her know how I have been doing. I felt ashamed I hadn't written her sooner. As I was writing I could see Levi walking around his desk from the corner of my eye. Forcefully pulling the chair back I leaned forward continuing to write only he then stood before me. "Levi I have to-

I fell silent the moment he lifted me up from the chair. Taking a few steps past me, he sat down in his chair before taking hold of my hips. He gently pushed my hips down making me sit on his lap. "I'll stay until you finish." he says. Looking back I found him laying back, his hands stayed placed on my hips as he stared back at me, he showed no signs of embarrassment. How sweet. Smiling shyly I nod and turn forward. For a while longer Levi and I stayed just like that as I wrote a thorough letter explaining my dearest sorries and my well-being.

~The Next Morning~

I had awoken long before Levi would, I was standing out on the balcony watching the sun rise. The sky was a bright pastel blue off in the horizon. It'll be sunny today, I can't wait until spring arrives. Due to the cold air of winter I kept myself tightly wrapped in a blanket.

Letting out a sigh I turn my head to the sound of clicking. There Levi stood in his pajamas coming out into the cold. "What are you doing out here?" he asks quietly.

Walking up behind me he placed his hands on my shoulder. "Watching the sun rise." I answer. Turning forward I watched the sky slowly turn into a pastel purple then a light pink. Levi and I had enjoyed our morning outside just doing that.

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