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Chapter 62: Sorry

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I had come so far, so close to taking her down. Chained to the floor I sat there in a cell rotting. In two days I would be publicly hung for my crimes. That damn Reiner... Three guards stood outside my cell making sure I didn't plan on escaping. Screw it all.

A tray slid under the door, shitty food was all that was placed on the tray. "Eat up tramp." I hear a familiar voice say.

Looking up I see the blonde man. Reiner. "Pleased with yourself? I would have helped you." I groan as I slide the tray away.

"The hell you would, you would have put me back in chains...Worse I would have been dead while you reeked havoc." he growls.

I glared up at him. "Rot in hell bitch that's where you belong." Reiner says, with that he stormed off leaving me by myself. I already was.


Days past as I had not seen (Y/N) since the night we fought. I couldn't bring myself to apologize due to the guilt that had built up overtime from saying such things to her. I kept myself busy in work while she stayed in her former room. (Y/N) had led us straight to Annie from there we found the missing soldiers in the cellar out back behind the cabin. If it weren't for her we'd be delaying this march.

She would rarely come into the office, only when it was dinner time and she would offer me some food. Three days, it's been three miserable days. I should apologize right now... I can't take this.

Getting up from my seat I brush off my clothing and fix my cravat. Running my fingers through my hair I exhale loudly. Starting towards the door I then stop half way there. No... wait, I have every right to be angry... she could have been killed, she went against my wishes....but she did get Annie caught.

Groaning softly I was contemplating now. Before I had time to think I hear the door open. Jolting to face it I watch (Y/N) herself walk in, she was in a dress, a rather nice dress that was just perfect for her shape, it hugged her curves just right. "Oh... were you heading out?" she asks as her eyes met mine.

"..A-actually, I was going to see you." I answer.

She stood there slightly surprised by my words. "Oh.. okay then." she mutters. Walking over she sat herself down on the couch. Sitting next to her I turn my knees toward her. Here it goes.

"I've been beating myself up these past few days... I should have never said those things... I was stressed, which still gives me no right, I care for your safety. Always. For that I am sorry... sorry for my behavior and sorry for keeping you from doing what you need to do." I ramble.

She took my hands into hers before laying them on her lap. "You are forgiven... I can understand you are stressed... but you need to believe this plan still works, Kenny won't leave until we are one hundred percent sure you are on board." she says.

Nodding my head I slip my right hand and place it on my chest over my heart. "Cross my heart." I say.

She smiled at me happily. "I'm sorry for going out there again... I seriously was just looking." she says.

Shaking my head I took her hand into mine and pecked her on the lips. "I'm not angry about it anymore... let's just get out men ready and win this." I say.

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