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Chapter 36: A Traitor In The Castle

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Sitting up in my bed after awakening I rub my eyes gently. The sound of knocking caught my attention. "Come in." I call.

Watching the door open I find my maid walking in. "Good morning M'lady." she greets.

"Good morning." I greet.

Setting the tray before me I begin to eat. "Would you like your schedule?" she asks. Since I had a mouth full of food I simply nodded to her question.

"Alright then, you will visit your mother after you eat, then you will greet some early guests, then after that you are free until this evening after dinner you will return straight here and prepare for the ball. I have an outfit hanging in your closet for you M'lady." she informs me.

After taking a sip of my orange juice I softly clear my throat. "Thank you, you are dismissed." I tell her.

With that she bowed and turned to leave the room. Eating my food quickly I push the empty tray away from my as I turn and step out of the bed. Stopping in front of my closet I remembered that I would be seeing Levi again today. It's been what a month? I wonder when he'll get here.

Opening my closet door I walk in and pick out a casual outfit. Since it was cooler today and going to be a little rainy. Grabbing some pants and a long sleeve shirt. Stipping of my nightgown I quickly throw the clothes on and walk out of the closet. Throwing on a pair of shoes I then head towards the bedroom door.

Closing my door I didn't pay attention to the body in front of me and completely ran into the person. Backing away I quickly bow my head. "I'm sorry." I say.

Lifting my head I look up to the person I had just ran into. With wide eyes I see Levi standing there. He's early. "L-levi." I stutter.

His eyes traveled around scanning me, as if he were trying to restudy every detail. His left hand came up to my head, moving my hair behind my ear his eyes followed his hand. Then, I felt his thumb gently sweep across the small cut. "You'll explain to me all I have missed." he mutters.

My heart left like it was jumping from my chest at the sound of his voice, how I missed the sound. Nodding my head I turn away and look the double doors of my mother's office. Pulling Levi's hand from my head I look at him once again. "I have to go, my mother needs to speak with me, I'll see you in a bit okay?" I ask.

He stared at me as he hesitated to answer. Is he hesitant on letting me go again? Eventually he nodded his head. Before letting go of his hand I felt him squeeze it gently as if he didn't want to let go.

Turning away from him I quickly walk away. Stopping at the double doors I turn and look back finding Levi still standing there, watching me. Turning forward I go and open the doors.

"Good morning (Y/N)." my mother greets.

"Morning mother." I say with a smile on my face.

Walking over to the chair placed at the front of her desk I quickly sit and fold my hands in front of me. "So, Kenny and Levi have arrived with the extra security as promised." my mother informs me.

Nodding my head I sat there silently. "How are things with you and Reiner?" she asks.

"Well... he's... very secretive, the other day I caught him hiding something in his room, and he wouldn't let me in although he thinks he's allowed to enter mine at any time, it's annoying." I explain.

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