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Chapter 44B

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Standing at the door to mine and Levi's guest bed, I had convinced him to say a few more days in Drairia, I wanted to do late Christmas shopping since it would be in a week and a half.

Levi had already been waiting for me in the room to retire after having a long discussion with Eren and his father about what to do next with Ymir. I had suggested put her into questions on how she got all the money to buy me, and help her get back into Huskeucia.

Twisting the knob I quietly enter thinking that Levi had gone to bed without me. Boy, I thought wrong. Instead, he was sitting at the desk writing on a piece of paper. With my cloak in my hand I past the desk and set the cloak on the bed.

"I'm going to bathe." I sigh, turning to the door I stop for a moment and turn to Levi. He seems stressed. Waving his hand signalling it as okay for me to I watch him go back to writing. He had been cooped up in the room most of the day, probably trying to get word out to Kenny that we were alright, but with a blizzard brewing outside it was hard for messengers to travel.

What Levi needed was a nice hot bath to relieve his stress. "Levi." I call.

He didn't answer, marching up to his desk I ripped the pen from his hand. "What?" he sighs in an annoyed tone.

Now, that I had his attention I felt nervous to ask him to bathe with me. It would be better to bathe together since it would save water, and I wanted to spend some alone time with him since he had been busy.

"I-I... well...-

"Spit it out." he snaps. Turing to me in his chair he flashed me a cold stare.

"I want you to bathe with me." I blurt.

Sitting there for a moment his eyes only bored back into mine. I was scared he'd say yes, but also scared he'd say no as well. He only stared, as if he were trying to remember the expression I wore when asking, I didn't know what he was thinking or how he was feeling. "No." he finally answered. It rang in my head for a solid minute before being able to respond.

"Please." I say in a slightly whiny tone.

Watching him turn in his chair back to the paper, he was now ignoring me. Letting out a small huff I turn back and walk into the bathroom, shutting the door I decided to try another time to ask him.


Hearing the running water, I considered going and joining her. But I stayed, I stayed in the chair looking down at the neatly written paper. It was to inform my uncle that everyone was okay and returning home, but due to the shitty whether messengers were either stuck at their post or fending for themselves in the storm.

Tapping on the desk with a new pen in my hand I felt my heavy eyes start to close. Every so often I would jerk my head up and shake it slightly trying to keep myself awake. I had to admit that I was rather tired, I was only able to sleep a few hours due to constant nightmares.

The nightmares started when I had gotten back to Drairia with (Y/N), it would be the same one with (Y/N) being taken away, I would try to save her but every time I got close she would be killed, the one killing her was dark mass, since not knowing what Annie looked like I believed that dark mass would be Annie killing my beloved. That would be my hell, being so close to saving the one thing I care about most just slip away before me.

I had heard from an old fortune woman that dreams tend to come true, I didn't believe her words but I felt that with the constant reoccurring dream, I felt something bad would happen. And here I was being an ass and not taking the chance to spend precious time with (Y/N).

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