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Chapter 26: Almost Fatal

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Waking in the softness of a bed I open my eyes realizing it wasn't my bed. Sitting up I look around finding I was in the prince's chambers. Looking to the other side of the king-sized bed I found it empty.

Turning I uncover my legs stepping out of the bed in shorts and a tank top. Tiptoeing I walk through the bathroom and into Levi's office. Finding no Levi in his desk I look to the sofa finding him lying there sleeping soundly.

Walking over to him I lightly shake his shoulders. His eyes slowly opened as he looked up at me. His hand fell to the back of my head. "What is it?" he asks. Lightly his fingers ran through my hair.

"It's time to get up sir," I inform him.

Letting go of my hair he sat up with a slight groan. "How did you sleep?" he asks. A little thrown off by his question I look to him with a dull expression.

"I slept just fine... but I could have been just fine on the sofa." I tell him.

"I was being kind, you weren't in a good state last night," he argues. Freezing I dart my eyes away from him. How can I be when something like that happens?

"Well, thank you but please worry about yourself before thinking of me," I say.

"Tch, fine." he groans.

Standing up from the sofa I too rise, standing there in front of him he looked down at my outfit. "You should change, we wouldn't want people getting the wrong idea," he whispers.

"R-right... excuse me." I say.

Walking past him I head out of the office, making a quick trip to my room I open the door. It had been only a few days since having to move into Levi's room for the past few nights. Making a beeline for the closet I pull out my uniform and dress. Looking at my door I thought of what happened last night as it still haunted my mind. I need to be quick.

Stepping out of the room I head back to Levi's office once fully clothed. Entering without knocking proved to be a big mistake, there I found him in nothing but a town wrapped around his waist. Frozen in my spot I didn't know what to do except look, his toned abs dampened by the water from a shower, eyes traveling up his body I met his face, his slicked-back hair from it being damp made my face warm. Clearing my throat I dart my head to the ground. "U-uh excuse me, sir..." I stutter nervously. Turning my back to him I cover my eyes.

"Did you think I'd be putting a show on for you?" he asks, he's trying to tease me for gawking at him.


Hearing a soft chuckle I keep my back to him. "Please sir, hurry, and get dressed we don't want to be late for the meeting," I inform him.

He let out a sigh before I could hear the pater of his bare feet hitting the hardwood floor. I sensed he was right behind me. Slightly turning my head I see him looking down at me. "I'll be there on time, I just wanted to make sure you know today-" Stopping his eyes locked onto my hands that placed over my chest.

Looking down at first I thought he was being perverted but in reality, he found that I had put the ring he had given me back on. "You're wearing it again? I thought you only wore it because we were pretending to be lovers?" he asks.

"I-I know... but I just felt like wearing it." I stutter.

Looking up at him he stared down at me, I could see the suspicion in his eyes. "...I see, anyway, don't be reckless today, we can't afford to screw this up," he says.

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