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Chapter 34: Faced With The Truth

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~1 Week Earlier~

Entering through the castle doors I had hoped to see (Y/N) standing there to greet me. Running my fingers through my hair I let out a tired sigh. Home at last. Rushing towards the stairs I march up them making my way to the third floor.

Walking down the hall I make it to the double glass doors. Opening one I enter and close them behind me. I need to work. Sitting in my chair I grab my pen and start working. Signing the many documents I stack the already signed papers off to the side.

Grabbing another small stack of papers one stuck to the bottom. Setting the stack down I slide the folded up piece of paper from the bottom. Unfolding it I find it was the contract between (Y/N) and I. both our fingerprints in blood stained the bottom of the paper next to our signatures.

My fingers grazed over the writing remembering the day she had first come to the castle. That was two and a half months ago, funny how many things have changed in that amount of time.

A soft knock caught my attention, folding the piece of paper back up I shove it into a door by my side. "Come in," I say loudly.

The door opened, looking over I find Petra walking in. "Lady Ral, what are you still doing here?" I ask.

"I was looking for the princess, she's back isn't she?" she asks.

"Tch, she went home," I answer.

I watch Petra's expression turn a little shocked. "What? When?" she asks.

"Probably while I was away in Huskuecia," I answer.

"I see, well I should go then... did you want to come and talk to her?" she asks.

Shooting a glare up at her I shake my head. "I have nothing to say to her." I snap.

"Okay then... did you two fight again or something?" Petra asks giving me an annoyed glare as she places both her hands on her hips.

"Tch, no... we didn't fight, she left without telling me." I answer.

"And you don't want to know why?" Petra asks.

"I don't give a rats ass anymore, if that is all then please go," I say. I dart my head down at my stack of papers trying to focus on my work but Petra's stare bored into my head.

"If you didn't care then why did you kiss (Y/N) on the cheek? An endearing gesture like that isn't easy for someone like you." Petra says.

"Someone like me huh?" I say, standing from my chair I make my way around my desk, clutching the pen in my hand I held it so hard I thought it might burst.

"Because someone like me doesn't deserve someone like her, there is your answer. She is better off without me, she can go marry Jaeger for all I care as long as she's happy then I'm happy. Now, shoo, I have more important matters." I say.

With that, she turned on her heel and headed straight for the door. Bending over my desk I let out a relieved sigh that the conversation ended. As I was about to go sit in my desk I hear the door open again. "Petra I swear-"

Looking up I find Kenny instead of Petra. Rolling my eyes I cross my arms. "If you've come here to give me some wise-ass pep talk I don't want it." I groan.

"That's too bad because you need a good talking to," Kenny says, giving me a glare he crossed his arms.

Sitting there silently I wait for him to start going off. "You need to quit lying to yourself, if not for you, for (Y/N)." Kenny starts.

"What have I lied about? I've been completely honest." I say.

"Bullshit, then what are your feelings for (Y/N), your true feelings?" he asks.

I swear it's like he wants us to be together. "I-I don't know." I lie. I know what my feelings are, but if I tell him he'll say 'I told you so'.

"Yes you do, you need to stop letting your mother's death keep you from being happy," Kenny says.

Glaring at him I clench my fists tightly. "That woman has nothing to do with this," I growl.

"Yes it is, you're still mad that she left you and didn't say anything, and now you're mad at (Y/N) because she's done the same thing, you may have not been able to get your mother back but you can sure as hell try and get (Y/N) back," Kenny says coldly.

"Even if I did, she probably doesn't, why do you think she left in the first place?" I ask.

"Because I know she blames herself, more than you know deep down she's scared that she'll be the reason you stop living one day," Kenny says in a calm tone.

"I've told her countless times she has nothing to fear," I say running my fingers through my hair.

"It's not that simple Levi, think of how she must have felt when she saw you lying there on the ground bleeding out... you idiot she loves-

"I know!" I shout.

There was a brief silence between us as we exchanged glares. "I know what it feels like seeing someone you care for on the brink of death because I was in the same position she was days ago when she risked her life to save me... She fucking blocked a chunk of wood to save me and nearly died!" I stood from my chair, my breathing was erratic from my pent up anger.

"So, don't you fucking dare tell me that I need to think about how she felt because I know goddamn well what she felt because I felt the same way!" I snap.

Kenny stood there silently as he watched my expression. "I see... well then don't let me hold you off on your work... I'll be leaving for Estra in a week for an important meeting if you wish to come you are welcome." Kenny says softly.

Sighing I plop down in my chair. Watching him leave my office I sat there looking up at my ceiling. That damn old man, making me spout out crap. Running my fingers through my hair I let out a long overdrawn sigh. I have a week to decide whether or not I'm going.

"I need some air," I whisper.

Standing from my seat once again I quickly walk towards the glass doors. Opening the door I step out and shut the door again. Slowly walking down the hall I see the door to (Y/N)'s former bedroom.

Stopping in front of her door I stare at the door itself for a while. I had waited outside this door some many times it was so natural now. But knowing she wouldn't be on the other side gave me an empty feeling.

Reaching for the knob I curl my fingers around the gold handle and twist it before slowly pushing it open. Stepping through the door I enter the dark room. The smell of lavender remained absorbed into the sheets of the bed. It was like she was still here in some way.

Walking about the room I remembered the nights where I had barged in, including the night I had almost taken her. Turning my head I look to her desk finding a small stack of papers, blank papers. Next, to her desk was a small trash can overflowing with crumpled up pieces of the same kind of paper.

Walking over I sit in the chair and pull the papers from the trash, it was the last thing I had ever wanted to do but I had a gut feeling something may have been written on them. Uncrumpling a few I had found her handwriting, her cursive letters the way they connected with one another.

The letters confessed her love for me over and over, explaining why she wouldn't say anything in fear of me rejecting her love because of the things I've said in the past. Crumpling the papers back up I toss them back in the trash. Standing from the chair I push it in, my eyes locked with the garbage as I cringe as the thought that she had left me.

"Tch, if you loved me, then why aren't you here? Why did you leave?" I mutter.

With that, I head to the door and leave not wanting to find anymore love letters that would have never been given to me. Making my way down the hall I had decided what I wanted to do. Stay.

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