Steven Universe but with other characters (E1 P2)

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Super Monkey: "We"

Boomerang Monkey and Ninja Monkey: "Are the sharp mon-"

Apprentice Monkey: "keys!"

Everyone but Apprentice: "We'll always save the day!"

Apprentice: "And if you think we can't,"

Everyone: "We'll always find a way!"

Super: "That's why the people"

Everyone but Apprentice: "Of this world"

Super: "Believe in, Super"

Boomerang: "Boomerang,"

Ninja: "And Ninja."

Apprentice: "And Apprentice!"

Subzero: "Okay so if this is part 2 and we're showing the theme again... how do we transition?"

*weird colored TV screen*

???: *singing*

Apprentice: "Who's singing?"

???: "Ice monkey. Let me out! Please! I need to find Ice Monkey!"

Apprentice: "Okay." *steps in between barrier* "And we'll do it together!"

???: *slides out and runs*

Apprentice: "Wait!"

???: *stops* "Ugh... I can't see without my goggles... This way!" *runs*

Apprentice: *Stops somewhere and hides, realizing Dart Gunner and Sniper Monkey are coming*

Sniper monkey: "There's no time! We have to go check on our weapon!"

Dart gunner: "STOP SINGING! Magic Lord was here thousands of years ago, but now she's back as this thing. We need to report it to the Great Monkeys! Go back to the controls." *walks away.*

Sniper Monkey: "Go to Earth, they said. It'll be easy, they said." *walks away.*

???: *singing*

Apprentice: *walks over* "Hey, are you Ice Monkey?"

???: "Yes, I am. How did you escape?"

Apprentice: "Oh, I just-" *sticks hand into barrier*

Ice Monkey: "Ah."

Apprentice: *goes in between barrier* "Come on it's safe!"

Ice Monkey: "Thank you."

???: "Ice Monkey?"

Ice Monkey: "Come on." *Holds Apprentice's hand and runs very fast to the middle of the ship, where they find the other monkey.*

???: *gasps*

Ice Monkey: "Glue Gunner!"

Ice Monkey and Glue Gunner: *runs to each other and hugs*

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