So, whatever random idea I get my hands on, I make a story. Expect many series-like things, then another thing blocking the way next chapter. You don't need to read these in order.
Credits: NinjaKiwi, Rebecca Sugar, BigBlueBubble, Adventure Islands...
Ukraine: "No, she's right here." *bubbles flag and sends it to the temple* "And now she's at home."
Pakistan: "So these aren't actually part of her body?"
Somalia: *Scoops up the pieces and drops them all into the ocean, making it look like an accident* "Uhh whoops."
Turkey: "Ukraine, she was trying to tell us something..."
Ukraine: "Those were just the desperate lies of a Gem who's been caught. You don't need to worry about her anymore." *walks off*
bedroom time
Turkey: *looks at the robotic foot piece Greece used to have, then tries to sleep.*
Somalia: *slaps Turkey's face, but not very hard* "I'm back to kidnap you! What?" *chuckles* "It's been long enough that we can joke about it, right?"
Turkey: "It's only been, like, an hour."
Somalia: "So- Ew, what are you doing with her foot?"
Turkey: "...I think it's lucky?"
Somalia: "Not for Greece!" *laughs* "Well, glad to have you back." *walks away*
Turkey: "Wait, Somalia."
Somalia: "Yeah?"
Turkey: "Uh, do you think... No, it's okay. Never mind."
Somalia: "Okay. If you need me, I'll be in my room." *leaves*
Turkey: "Why were you so scared? What were you going to say? Now you're deep in the temple in a bubble and I'll never know. If I could just talk to you for one more second..."
a door opens and now it's Chair's/Ottoman's room time
Turkey: "Room, I need to talk to Greece."
cloud Greece appears
Cloud Greece: "I'm the only one who knows ABOUT THE-" *freezes*
Turkey: "The what? Ugh, no no no." *swipes at the Cloud Peridot and dissipates it* "Room, I need to go to the basement. The real basement! I know there's a way down from here!"
the room reveals a way down to the room, now it's room time
Turkey: "Thank you!" *slides down it* "Woo! Yeah!" *flies off it and starts somersaulting, then hits ground* "Yep, perfect landing. Hmm... There we go." *climbs up something to get Greece's flag in a bubble* "Gotcha. Woah!!!"
everyone falls off the thingy, the bubble pops and Greece is back.
Greece: "-THE CLUSTER, you insufferable half-formed traitor mega-clods!!!" *looks at hand*
Turkey: *with puppy eyes* "Oh my gosh... you're so... cuuuuute!"
Greece: "My robot limbs! Where are my robot limbs?!"
Turkey: "Aw, you're like.. an angry little slice of baklava!"
Greece: "Stop talking! I demand to know what this place is, and where I-" *looks up and sees the array of other bubbled CountryHumans* "Oh my stars... You're going to harvest me?!"
Turkey: "No! I mean..."
Greece: *slaps Turkey*
Turkey: "Ow! That hurt!"
Greece: "It did?"
Turkey: "Yeah, a lot..."
Greece: *slaps him again*
Turkey: "Ow!"
Greece: "Yes! Feel my unbridled rage!" *begins slapping Turkey repeatedly*
Turkey: "Hey!" *grabs Greece's hands* "Hey, hey. What's that on your shirt?" *points down at Greece's chest*
Greece: "What?"
Turkey: *flicks finger up at her nose*
Greece: "Ow! That's it!" *Tackles Turkey and slaps him over and over again.*
Turkey: "Why are you acting like this?"
Greece: "You smashed me into a limbless cloud! You trapped me in your bubble dungeon! And, you called me..." *sniffs and blushes angrily* "... cute! " *tries to punch him, but misses*
Turkey: "I didn't! I freed you!"
Greece: *faces Turkey and curls up* "... Why would you make such a miscalculation?"
Turkey: "Back at the Warp Pad, what were you trying to say? Why do we need you? What do you know?"
(I think Chair/Ottoman was helping everyone too much, which gave someone an advantage because he Chair helped everyone. Now that I think of it, Chair was kind of dumb. He should have realized at some point what he was doing was wrong. But now, in this story, he is now protecting the kebabs.)
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