The four arrive at a place that looked a little pixely or something.
"Where are we?" Max asked.
"I don't know, but I can see someone who looks a little like Aiden." Alex answered.
The figure that looked like a green pixel axolotl with wings walked over.
"Are you lost?" She asked.
"I guess." Tai answered.
"Well, I think I can show you where I live for now. Come on!"
Aiden shook his head and folded his arms.
"We're going anyway." Max put the floating bubble right by Alex, who was at the right of the group."Carol? Why did you bring strangers to this house?" Asked another axolotl thing.
"They're fine. By the way, what are your names?"
"I'm Tai, this is Max, that's Alex, and the one that Max trapped in a bubble is Aiden."
"Huh. So I have the same name as Max here." Said the axolotl.
"If you didn't hear, my name's Carol, that's Max, and my sister's upstairs. She doesn't really want to be visited right now."
"Wait a minute, why is your friend trapped in a bubble?" The axolotl Max asked.
"Don't ask." Alex looked at Aiden.
"Anyway, I'm going upstairs. I just want to explore the house."
"Have fun Tai, I guess.""Carol, I'm reading." Carol's sister said to Tai, who was knocking on the door.
"I'm not your sister!"
"Then who are you?"
"Your sister brought me here. I just wanted to see you."
Carol's sister opened the door. She looked like a red axolotl, but unlike her sister, she didn't have wings.
"Why don't you have wings?" Tai asked her.
"I just don't."
Tai stepped into her room. The walls were sky blue and everything was almost clean.
"So, why are you here?" She asked.
"I don't know. We just went through a random portal we found and ended up here."
"There's more of us downstairs."
"Oh, okay. What's your name?"
"Tai. What's yours?"
"Well, it's nice to meet you. What book are you reading?"
"A comic book called Out Of This Tempo. It's a pretty cool book."
"What's it about?"
"A tiny cube saving the universe from two enemies. You better read it sometime."
"Okay. Anyway, have you seen a black cat around?"
"Nope. I've been up here this whole time."
Alex burst through the door.
"What is it?" I asked him.
"It's Aiden. He teleported away again."
Another portal opened right in front of the three.
"What is-"
"Tell Max to stay here. We're going in."
(Sorry for not posting this in a long time! I kinda rushed it so you guys could get another non-humanized chapter.)

Random Stories And Stuff
RandomSo, whatever random idea I get my hands on, I make a story. Expect many series-like things, then another thing blocking the way next chapter. You don't need to read these in order. Credits: NinjaKiwi, Rebecca Sugar, BigBlueBubble, Adventure Islands...