Subzero's Giant Chapter of Random Incorrect Quotes 3

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At this point I forgot some incorrect quotes, so they may be repeated.


Subzero: "I wasn't that tired."

Holiday: "You were picking the tomatoes off a taco."

Subzero: "So?"

Holiday: "And you called one a communist."

(Original because I actually did call a tomato a communist by accident once)


Subzero: "Bewater. Be-earth. Befire."

Country Queen: "Bear."



Canada from CC: "I guess I'm just too tough to cry."

France from CC: "Just today you were crying about snakes."

Canada: "They don't have any arms!"

(Steven Universe)


Subzero: "I like all these names! Chiptune, Staryz, Melody..." *looks at handwriting on hand* "And Boxel!"



Staryz: "Onion rings are just vegan donuts."

Melody: "True."

Staryz: "Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed."

Melody: "Okay."

Staryz: "Lasanga is just spahgetti flavored cake."


Staryz: "Lobsters are mermaids to scorpions."

Melody: "Please stop."

Chiptune: "No, keep going."



Chiptune: "I scared them, didn't I?"

Boxle: (They're terrified of you.)

Chiptune: "That makes me so happy!"



AT: "Anyone over 5'6 doesn't deserve happiness."

Subzero: "What was that? I couldn't hear you from all the way up here. Do you need a ladder? I'll get a ladder."



Flame: "We need a distraction. Are any of you good at jumping up and down and making annoying noises?"

Subzero, looking at Holiday: "Your time has come, Holiday."



AT: "You're pretty dumb."

Subzero: "Thanks."

AT: "Why did you say thanks after I just insulted you?"

Subzero: "All I heard was 'You're pretty'. I focus on the positives in life."

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