Random MSM Islands Part 1 and If ___ Was ___ PART 21

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Tempyro's Level:
Song: Bossfight - Starship Showdown

Subzero's Monsters:

Ghosynth (Synth 1)
Carol (Chime-like synth)
Tempyro (Guitar)
Heydphones (The weird sound thing at the beginning)

Sebass's Monsters (BELONGS TO SEBASS 87!):

Lumidaria (Electronic Drums)
Cacadella (Drums)

Echo's Monsters (BELONGS TO ECHO!):

Spaejic (Bass)

Stack's Monsters (BELONGS TO STACK!):

Paino (Synth 2/Quiet Synth)


If Everyone was a Harmonial (Ft. Random Youtubers)

Vulmel: Thonk
Bleenkurr: SparklingDemonReal (I mean it fits)
Pluktt or Plukkt? I forgot: Repeater
Seffloe: Supercow I guess
Moltyte: Nobody likes you, Moltyte. I was right to erase you from existence that one time.
Twayng: Nobody likes you either.
Clydestalk: Astrology Flame (Yes that's Flame ???'s new name)
Oovoc: Pineapple Mom
Kairimble: Myself.
Lumi(daria): Everyone knows Pet Frickerdoodle.
Errchenn: Arackulele Guy
Ketzelraka: Blur Wolf
Clarampus: Technado
Proodicus: AuthorThePerson, maybe?
Crustello: Echo
Lytocar: Bossfight
Percaytr: Blu
Shandolak: MSMFan
Obselach: ItzPlukyPlayz
Bulohard: Kian
Shakukan: Raymi
Wahblur: Flame Reaper
Parasynth: Noufel
Iguadica: Stack
Amantgarus: Kubbi
Jumbutan: Beppy I guess. I was planning not to use him since he didn't want to be used, but we need another person here.
Fortesca: Probably also myself.

If you don't know what the Harmonials are, look them up on Youtube.

(Random fun fact: The way to abbreviate Animalia Ascension is AniAsc, or AA.)

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