Steven Universe but with other characters (E2 P3)

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Greece: "What do I know? Everything there is to know about the Cluster, you city."

Turkey: "Cluster? Wait, city?"

Greece: "My mission! The reason why I'm on this sad rock in the first place! I was to check progress on the Cluster! Just in and out, before it hatches. I wasn't supposed to get stuck here! But now it's going to emerge and nothing can stop it, and we'll all be shattered!" *panics*

Turkey: "Okay, okay, wait, slow down. Now, from the top..." *sits down in front of Greece* "Emerging, hatching, Clusters."

Greece: "You wanna know?"

Turkey: "Yes."

Greece: "You really wanna know?"

Turkey: "Yes."

Greece: "What's your shirt?"

Turkey: "Oh, these are my banana pajamas-"

Greece: *flicks his nose*

Turkey: "Ow! Wait, don't run away!"

gives chase

Turkey: "Stop! They're gonna see you!"

Greece in the main room: *spreads her arms out wide* "Freedom is miine!!" *Turns head, seeing the rest*

Turkey: "Wait!"

Greece: "Look! Over there! Another place to betray!" *silence* "Retreat!"

Pakistan: "Oh no, you don't!"

Greece: "Eeep!!"

Somalia: "Heey."

Greece: "AHH!" 

Subzero: *comes in and playes the GameCube theme*

Greece: *jumps back down to the ground floor* "Ow!"


Somalia: "Heey."

Greece: "AHH!" *jumps back down to the ground floor* "Ow!"

Ukraine: "Get her!"

Greece: *scampers into the bathroom and shuts the door* "You may have won the war, but this battle isn't over, Crystal clods!" HEHEHHEH!"

Pakistan: "Should we tell her that's the bathroom?"

Somalia: "Eh."

Greece: *looking around* "Hmm... Seems I discovered some sort of archaic... think chamber. Roomy, with a fresh hint of Earth citrus." *opens the toilet lid* "A perfect crossroads for my escape."

Somalia: "It's locked."

Ukraine: "Greece! Open the door!"

toilet flushing sounds

Somalia: "If you're trying to flush yourself down the toilet, it won't work. Trust me, I've tried."

Pakistan: "How did she get out? We bubbled her!"

Somalia: "Maybe we need a better bubble."

Ukraine: "Mine are fine."

Turkey: "...I did it."

Pakistan: "Turkey! Why would you do that?"

Turkey: "Because she knows something! Something that makes her scared!"

Somalia: "Duh. Homegirl knows we're gonna beat her into a blue and white pancake."

Turkey: "No, it's not that, it's because of something called the Cluster."

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