"Yeah! He had four horns, and no eyes!" Jaclyn exclaimed.
"That's weird, even for a ghost." Harmony said.
Everyone at Willowcloud Elementary were seeing this ghost. Well, except for Harmony. Harmony doesn't go near the school on weekends for some reason. She never usually sees the school then.
"Some of us are going to try to hunt it." Jake walked up.
"What? Why?" Asked Harmony.
"I mean, it's a ghost! If it's a ghost, it's doing something bad."
"Like what?"
"Remember how we didn't get the last incentive last month?"
"That was before the ghost was there." Jaclyn explained.
"But then he was there after."
Harmony thought for a moment. Could he be right? Could the ghost be taking tickets out of the bucket?
Willowcloud always had a ticket bucket, and if someone did something right, they got a ticket for a raffle in the bucket. Harmony always wondered how it got so full, with about 300 students in a school, she thought there was no way to fill the bucket! The bucket was weirdly hourglass shaped, like two buckets stacked on each other with something to connect them both.
"That could just be people not getting enough tickets." Harmony said.
"But still, it's doing something bad, and I know it! We'll hunt it down, trap it, ask us what it's doing bad, and if it never answers, kill it!"
"How are you going to kill a ghost?" asked Jaclyn
Jake stared, shocked and open-mouthed as Harmony and Jaclyn were laughing.
"I meant banish it!"
Jaclyn laughed for a little bit more time. "Good job, killing a ghost."
One day later, it was Saturday. Harmony was going to her first day for band practice on the weekend, but in reality it was just Harmony meeting the purple ghost.
"Have fun at band practice!" Harmony's mom said.
"Bye!" Harmony waved.
Harmony always walked to school. Her mom said she was old enough, since she was in fifth grade. She walked across the street, a car stopping on the side of the crosswalk. After crossing the street to the school, she saw the color purple sitting on the wall of the school.
As she walked closer to the school, Harmony saw the purple ghost sitting alone. Harmony walked over the crunchy grass and leaves to the ghost.
"Hello?" She asked.
The ghost looked around, then looked at Harmony. "Oh, you're talking to me. Hello."
What was weird was that the ghost was female. Harmony could tell because of her voice. Jaclyn said it was a he though, so could she be lying, or did she not know about this?
"Why are you here?" Asked Harmony.
"Because I decided to go here." The ghost answered.
Another weird thing was that the ghost's mouth didn't move. It just stayed in the same blank face.
"But why?"
"This used to be my school."
For some reason, Harmony thought she saw the mouth move, but it didn't.
"Can you tell me more?"
"I moved to middle school, but hated it."
"Everyone in the classes were just crazy! I'm just going to say to you know, person who's probably a fourth grader, the class you have in fifth grade will be your class in sixth grade, unless you go to a middle school farther than the one near this school."
"I'm a fifth grader."
"Oh. Now I get to ask you a question. How's your class?"
"They're trying to hunt you down."
"Hunt me? Not a chance. When are they planning to hunt me?"
"Not sure."
"Are you trying to hunt me down?"
"No. I just want to see why you're here. Now, did you ever steal any tickets from our incentive bucket?"
"Why would I? Also, fun fact, kindergartners get the most tickets."
The ghost was right.
"What's your name?" asked Harmony.
"Just call me Paino." Said the ghost. "I'm not actually Paino, but just call me that for now."
"Who's Paino?"
"Just a character."
After spending some time with Paino, Harmony walked back to her house. Across the street, she saw Paino putting her hand on her face, and then her face was taken off. What was behind the face was just darkness. Harmony thought she was seeing things and walked home.
(Now that I'm writing this, this feels like a dumb story.)

Random Stories And Stuff
RandomSo, whatever random idea I get my hands on, I make a story. Expect many series-like things, then another thing blocking the way next chapter. You don't need to read these in order. Credits: NinjaKiwi, Rebecca Sugar, BigBlueBubble, Adventure Islands...