October 23, 2019

37 2 0

If I chose to kill myself today...
Would anyone care?
Would anyone cry?
Would anyone attend my funeral?
Or would they just see it as another suicide story on the news?
Would they continue to call me the depressed teen that was antisocial?
Would everyone pretend to care until the topic is no longer a topic?
If I chose to run away would anyone try to find me?
Would anyone call in to 911 and report me missing?
Would anyone notice?
Would I become another "missing" poster on the boards around town?
Would I be the talk of the town for making the decision of running away?
I guess so.
Cause that's how this world works.
Everything just becomes a story to make it seem as if news writers along with everyone else cared.
No ones truly cares.
If they do...
It's temporary.
Nothing lasts.
Everything must come to an end.
Nothing lasts forever.
Except for these feelings.
It's a life long battle.

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