She saved my life.

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When I say I'm not okay...
I'm not lying.
I'm telling the truth.
And that's heartbreaking for me to say.
So heartbreaking.
I wouldn't be here if it weren't for my best friend.
She saved my life.
Not once.
Not twice.
But multiple times.
She's kept me from taking pills.
She's kept me from cutting myself as much.
She's kept me alive.
She's kept me sane.
I'm not sure what I'd do without her.
I love her more than words can even begin to explain.
I thank her for everything even though she tells me not to.
I apologize when I'm in the wrong even thought she tells me not to.
I wouldn't have our friendship any other way.
I wouldn't be able to live without her.
If only she knew how much she meant to me.
I'm so thankful for her.

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