First Hug with Boys

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Jennie POV

Och...but I just saw a guy who look


I am not interested in boys,but he is different,he doesn't look like the idiots boys suppose to be.

He sees me staring,he is kinda of stare at me too.His beautiful hawk eyes seems so deep and so hot,I am scare that I am going melt now.

My heart...It's beating so fast.

After a few seconds,he clears his throat and stand up.

Lisa help me stand up.

"Are u.."He said with his deep voice.

Wait,is he asking I am ok?

"Going to pay for my clothes?"he said

I stare at him,huh?

"I mean are u going to pay for my clothes cuz you spill juice over it."

I am speechless for no reason,while I looking at  my juice.which ruin his white shirt with a ugly mark of it.


"Oh,I am so sorry."

"That's it?"

"Oh do u need tissue?"I hand him some.

He stare at it then shake his head,"No,I mean,can u pay for my clothes?"

He is really rude.

"It's your responsibility to pay for it because u spill juice on it."He said,looking impatient

Ok,why I thought he is hot,when this guy is even more rude and annoying than normal idiots?!So I answer back:

"Well,it's your fault that u bump into me."

"But you spill juice on me!"

"If u didn't bump into me,I won't spill juice over your shirt."

"If I bump into u,and u are not holding that gross smelling juice with the lid opened,you won't spoil my Gucci."

"At least half of it is your fault."

"At least the other half of it is YOUR fault!Still,you are buying me a new shirt."

"I can wash it."

"No.I want a new one!!!!!!"

I really want to kill him now.

"Jennie,let's just go."Lisa said,she is nearly in tears.

"U can't go,not until u bought a new shirt,Gucci."

"Run,Jennie!"Lisa whispers in my ear.

So I run.

He didn't chase us,which is good,I almost died cuz I never run so fast in my entire life.

I sit down at my seat and start to chat with my friends:Rosé ,Jisoo and Lisa.They are not Taeyong-obsessed fan girls.Jisoo got a nice guy called Jin and Lisa got a new boyfriend called Jungkook,she is keep talking about him.Me and Rosé are single,it's not that Rosé hates boys ,too.she just hadn't find the right guy.

Our conversation is rudely interrupted by the teacher,"Jennie,go to the Main hall.They need u to help Taehyung."

Who is Taehyung?

Taehyung's POV

A girl with Lisa bumped into me today,how could Kookie's girlfriend got a friend like this?!I am going to tell Kookie to stop Lisa making friends with her.

And my poor Gucci....

She ran away with Lisa.😒Rude.

I was standing here since they ran away,it was busy.Now it's empty,only me here.Some one had close the lights,too.I can hear people talking downstairs.

I try to walk out this corridor,my ankle hurts...It's an unfamiliar place,I just move to this school today.Cuz Jimin and Kookie is at this school.But where are them?Where am I?

I am scared

Really scared

I think I can hear ghosts

I huddle up against the wall,or locker.I wish somebody here to find me,please...

Jennie's POV

I almost screamed when I saw the picture of the Kim Taehyung,the guy I am helping.It's the Gucci guy!!

But The head Teacher said that they can't find him,and I had to find him.

It's all Namjoon's fault!!

Now where is Taehyung?

I thought back.

Was it,it's Taehyung still in the locker corridor?Which is at the very top of the school building,the cleaning lady close the light when we start our first lesson...

I suddenly feel worry about him,Damn!Why I feel so worry for that annoying boy who I just met?!

I run to the top of the floor,back to the place where we first met.

I holding up my torch,I see someone sitting on the floor,looking scared .

It can't be?

But it's Taehyung.

He see me then he stand up by the wall

And give me a very tight hug

I am blushing and I try to push he away,but he is stronger than me,he hugs me tighter.

My heart beats too fast

It's my first hug with boys,(I don't even hug my brother Namjoon)

I stop pushing him and start to kinda of enjoy it.I can feel the warmth of his body and damp of his shirt(my juice)😂

We stay like this for a few seconds,then I gently push him away.

He is surprise is ME that he had hugged

Kim Taehyung just said:"Thank you."

At least it's something nice.

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