His Ex

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Taehyung's POV

I arrived just in time,I hit the table hard when Jungkook texted me Jennie will kiss Taeyong for the drama.But luckily She kissed me instead of Taeyong.

Her face turn into a color of crimson red when she opened her eyes,of course she pushed me away.,she raised her hand to slap me,I caught her wrist and run away while she trot after me.

"What have you done?!"Jennie is so angry I know she will kill me,Well,I am furious with her too.

"I just saved you from kissing Taeyong for the stupid drama!You suppose to thank me!"How can she get mad at me when it's all her fault to be dumb enough to almost kissed a guy in a drama.I mean.Taeyong must have something behind this!I stare at her hard.

Normally the girls I dated will be soo scared at this and beg me to calm down,none of them dare to speak more while I am in this state.

"You look like a idiot when you making that face.HOW can you kiss me,It was my first kiss!"Jennie blush when she said the word kiss,but she is the first girl argue with me.

"Is it my turn to take the blame when you kissed me instead of that Taeyong?I shouldn't have save you."

"Why do you need to save me?Every thing is fine until you jumped out and kissed me!"

"Listen."I grab her shoulder,I am half in anger half in adoration,she has the special temperament around her when she is angry,which makes her looks cute.
"Jennie,do you really really want to give your first kiss to a drama?"Then I stare at her in her eyes.

She paused,but she look away,"Yes."

I make her face me again."Even that you hate love,you don't want to have a bad memory of you first kiss right?"

Jennie shrug,but something in her eyes told me she she want a good memory.

I chuckle,"I kissed you only because I want to save you,nothing else.You should say Thank you."

"Thank you,I suppose.Anyway,I won't forgive you for ruining the drama!"Jennie said,stomping away.

I chuckle again,she is not angry at me,she is only a bit annoyed that I win the conflict between us.

She is so cute.

Taeyong's POV

Jennie came back to the drama room after Taehyung drag her away,she just went up to Lucas and said,"Please take off the kiss scene,if you don't.I quit the drama."

"Me too!"Lisa stand behind Jennie,crossing arms.

"So is me."BamBam Said,who did it completely cuz of Lisa.

"No need to be overreacting,I will just change it,ok?"

"Yess!"Lisa and Jennie cheers and give each other a high five.

I don't feel like cheering,do Jennie really hates me and don't want to kiss me?She kissed Taehyung tho.

I guess I will just try harder.

Jennie's POV

I guess Taehyung is right,I may hate love but It doesn't mean that I want to waste my first kiss.I could be even be grateful because he saved me and gave me a good memory.BUT I am not going to thank him!

My High school sweetheart (Taennie)Where stories live. Discover now