Is she Jealous?!

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Irene's POV

He didn't answer any of my calls,texts.He is in school but he ignored me when I tried to talk to him.

Why would this happen?I am just so useless at love,I lost Taehyung already and is Sehun going to dump me too?

He already dumped me.

"Irene,Irene!"Wendy shout after me,"Wait!"

"I am sorry."She said,breathing heavily cuz of the running.

"I am sorry I send Sehun a screenshot of our text conversation,I was just...Crack-head.Because I hate it when people cheats."Wendy look at the floor."Sehun was such a nice Boyfriend,he loves you so much,he is a shy guy that just hide his pain and hide his love for you."

"Do you think he still love me?"

"I don't know."She shrug,"Ask him."

"No way,I am not going to ask Sehun:'Hey,do you love me?'That will just embarrassing."

"What I mean is to ask Taehyung,he was always so successful in love before you dumped him."

"Thank you Wendy."I Said miserably.

I am not sure it will work,Taehyung will probably run away screaming when the next time I saw him.

I walk home,alone.

I finally can't help it and kneel on the pavement as I cry my heart out.

I don't know how long I sat here for,people sometimes ask if I am ok,I just nod and cry again

I am not ok

Someone gasp and tap my shoulder.

"I am ok."I Said,raising my head slowly.

"I can see you are not."Taehyung said,kneel in front of me with Jennie.

"Do you need a tissue?"She hand me some.

"It's fine,can I talk to him alone?"I nod at Taehyung.

"I will go home then,bye."Jennie stand up,leaving a pile of Tissues next to me

Jennie is not a slut like I thought,she is quite caring actually.

"Tell me why you are crying."Taehyung ask,putting his arm around me.

"Sehun hates me now.Cuz I cheated on him."

"So who would you choose now,me or Sehun?"

"Sehun!"I Said without much thinking.Taehyung is a good Boyfriend,he is not mine,he don't love me more than a friend.

And Sehun,he always cares about me,and I am just too selfish to think about him.

I guess I will just try to love him more.

"Do you want him back?"He smile.


"He likes girls that are innocent,don't wear any strong scent perfume.And a pink or mint green or white dress.Not too short.And white high heels.Not too high,with a heart that truly love him."

He claps his hands,watching my mouth drop open.

"I can't believe I am helping my ex girlfriend to get back her boyfriend."He chuckle,"Go and find him."

Jennie's POV


What are they doing during this hour?

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