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Jennie's POV

I am so happy every day!My life is sweet as honey!

After that confession,Taehyung didn't change much,phew,I don't want him to suddenly gets too far.Anyway,he is still as funny and caring like he always are,but sometimes he give me a short kiss on my cheeks and he holds my hands too.

"To tell everyone you are my girlfriend."He grin,"So no one else can steal you from me."

My heart is melting!

"Ouch,your words are too sweet so they melt my heart,I am going to the hospital today."I laugh,blushing.

"Do you have time after school today?"Taehyung squeeze my hand.

"Sorry,I promised my friends to hang out with them,they want to know everything that happened."His face dropped,"Aww,don't be sad.I will spend time with you soon."

"Tomorrow?"He move closer to my face,"My pretty girlfriend is busy making money,next time you will pay for lunch?"He pinch my nose.

"Ok."I pinch his cheeks,"And my boyfriend will stay home and wait for me?"I laugh,"Tomorrow will be fun."


"Bye,I need to go."I leave a kiss on his lips as I smile.

Taehyung sigh as he kiss me again,"Bye."

We unhook our hands,it feels strange without his strong warm hands around mine,(He said he will try to make his hands as warm as possible for me)
The warmth is still there,I hold my hand to my face,I don't want to lost any of the safe feeling he gave to me when I was with him

He is looking at his hands too when I turn around again

"Don't turn around that many times,silly girl,I am not leaving."He chuckle,"I will see you tomorrow."

I nod,but I turn around one last time at the corner to see him again.

Lisa will think I am a lovesick puppy now.

He is still standing there,watching me,like it's the last time we will see each other.

My mouth formed into a smile as I get out my phone.

Jandeuk 🖤❤️: Don't worry,I am not going to die.😃

Analien:Phew, I am think about you now.

Jandeuk 🖤❤️:Hope you are not thinking about how I break your pencil last time.

Analien:Actually I am now,cuz you just reminded me.😂

I chuckle as I shoved my phone in my pocket,have to get going or my friends will kill me.

"Finally!The Geography lesson is so boring!I rather play soccer with Jimin!"Taehyung yawn,stretching himself,"Actually,I want to spend time with you."He point at me.

"You sit with me for the whole lesson,ok?Though the teacher won't let us talk."

"Yeah,Let's go on a date now."

"What do you normally do on dates?"

"Listen,Jennie.Now I am teaching you the first lesson of love-Dates."Taehyung stroke his imaginary beard,as I burst out of laughing.

"Ahem."He gently poke me,"Listen."

I tried to quiet down but it's so hard not to laugh!

My High school sweetheart (Taennie)Where stories live. Discover now