Miss him.

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Jennie's POV

Taehyung was already there when I arrived,with my breakfast.

I take all the stuff out,start cutting out the bubble writing I did yesterday.

"Hello?Jennie?Did u just completely ignored me?"Taehyung's annoying voice is making me grumpy.I am in a bad mood today,I find out I had period early.

I stick the bits and bobs in the front cover,carry on ignoring him.

"Jennie,are u going to the party next week?The week after is half term..."Taehyung start talking nonstop.

I feel really annoyed,I can't concentrate on my drawing.

"Can u please shut up,no one even cares what U said!"I shout at him

He stopped talking,but there is something wrong about him,he look surprised and hurt,unlike his usual happy annoying boy mood.

For a moment I really want to give him a big hug and said I am sorry,but instead I just carry on my drawing.

I am soo sharp and cold-hearted.

Just when I thinking about whatever I should apologize or not,I draw over the line.

"Ugh."I rub out my drawing like crazy."Why I am so bad at drawing?"

He didn't reply.

I feel disappointed.

I try to draw again,but it just bad.

I rub it off again,this time,I just stare at the picture.

"U can just draw like this."

Taehyung take my pencil and start drawing cartoons on the cover,he is...good at drawing.

I watch him draw in amaze but as I turn my head around...

He is standing behind me,his face close to my right ear,as I look back,I stare straight in his eyes.His eyes still look sad,but I can see he try to hide it.

He give me a smile and pinch my cheek lightly."U are so stupid."

His tone doesn't sound disgust,it's full of something else...

I can't tell what that is,but I kind of like it.

So I just smile back ,"I'm Sorry,I was just feel grumpy."

Then I move away quickly,or my face will get even redder than it's now.

"Emm,Taehyung,do u want to do the drawing,I can do the writing."


"Taehyung,when can I be free?"

"After I find my true love."Taehyung suddenly look in my eyes, "Believe me,it won't be long."

My heart aches,why I cares so much about him?I hit my head,stop thinking about random stuff!

"Ouch."I hit my head too hard.

Taehyung chuckle and ruffle my hair,(why he is keep doing that?)I ruffle his hair back.

He smile and keep drawing.

"Do u want me to..."I point at the coloring pencils,"Chose a color for u?"

He look at me,"That will be nice,thank u.but why?Is it that u done something with the pencils?"

My High school sweetheart (Taennie)Where stories live. Discover now