A Genius

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Jennie's POV

"Ok,now we are learning about basic Japanese for our language project,and please find a partner to work with,you have 30 Seconds."Said The language teacher.

I glance at Jisoo,who sits at the back with Jin,"Partners?"I point at her and Me.Jisoo smile and nod.

Yes!!I can finally sit with My friend!I am force to sit with Taehyung for EVERY lesson.He is so annoying,he:

Steal my stuff.

Tap my head with his books.

Let me to carry his books....

And more,I can't write more cuz if I list out all the stuff he done to me,I can write a BOOK SERIES!

But now..

I am free!!


Just as I almost reach Jisoo's desk.someone pull me and drag me back to my seat.

"Hey!"I shout at Taehyung,"why u drag me back?"

"I want to work with u."He said,hands in his pockets.

"Why?U can work with Jimin!I want to work with my unnie,Jisoo."I turn to Jisoo,who greet me by her question eyes.

"Soz"I mouth to her,"Just wait a sec."

"Ok,Kim Taehyung,U can work with your friends and I can work with mine,deal?"I said,try to be friendly.

He nod at Jimin,who is laughing with Rosé,"I can't."

"What the..."

"Ok,students,please sit down with your partner and be quiet please."Said the teacher.

I try to sneak away,cuz Taehyung can't do anything to me if the teacher is here,he is like a devil to me,and an angel to other people.

Just as I move,the teacher start:"Jennie,Taehyung,Jisoo and Seokjin.Stop moving around.Can u find a partner and sit down quickly,u guys are wasting our time."

No one move.

Taehyung is standing next to me,probably wonder when can I sit down and be his partner;Jisoo is staring at me,her glance can literally kill me; (I don't blame her if she actually killed me) Jin just look at Taehyung then Jisoo then Taehyung then Jisoo,deciding which one he should be partner with;I am not dare to move,Taehyung holds my wrist,I am scared that if i walk to Jisoo,he will pull me back and we will look like lovers.

Which I don't want it to happen in a zillion years.



"Okay,"The teacher finally speaks,"seems like u can't make your choice?so I will chose it for u."

Please please put me with Jisoo,or Jin,I don't really care who,but just not Kim Taehyung.

"Seokjin And Jisoo,u two could be partners,and Taehyung and Jennie,u two could be partners.Now,everyone sit down."

I feel like dead.

I sit down grumpily,Taehyung sit down with a big grin on his face.

I want to slap that grin out of his face.

The teacher start talking something about history of Japanese.I wasn't listening,I am staring at Taehyung's face,thinking about to kill him.

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