He lied?!

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Jisoo's POV

Me and the other Blackpink members are in the practice room,looking for ideas for our new song.

"Guys,now we are doing a song called 'Kill This Love'.Everyone agree?"Jennie said loudly.

"Yeah,the main point of this song is to show how dangerous is heartless love and we should all kill it!"Rosé is getting exciting.

"Ok,any ideas?"Rosé and Jennie said at the same time.

Me and Lisa just stare at these two hardworking people confusingly.

"Come on,we need fresh ideas!Me and Jennie had already come up with some good ones,now it's YOUR turn!"Rosé point at us,over dramatically.

"I don't know what to do,cuz I never feel the taste of bitter love."I Said proudly,Jin is the perfect Boyfriend for me,He is so understanding and Romantic.

"Just imagine If your boyfriend is a playboy,think about how it feels like."Rosé Said,"My heart aches when I thought about Jimin is only playing with my feelings.But that is not possible."

"And remember it's not a sad song."Jennie add.

We had a few good ideas and discuss them together,soon we already wrote the start our song.

"Guys,I think we are all working great!"I Said while we pack our things away,ready to go.

"Yeah,in half term,I know a great theme park,let's go there for a treat!I can pay!"Lisa jumping up and down excitingly.

"Sorry,Lisa.Jin is taking me to his hometown to see his parents during half term."I Said,even I am Jin's Girlfriend for almost year,I can't believe his parents want to see me.

"Wow,u should definitely pack some snacks and pretty clothes."Lisa said as they give me a big hug,"We will miss u."

"So,are u two going to theme park?"

Jennie and Rosé nod their head.

Jennie's POV

Everything is going well today,we even got an 'Outstanding'For our Japanese project!

Time went by so fast,it's half term tomorrow!

I hug my friends and promise them I will hang out with them so they won't be bored to death like last half term,I said goodbye to Taeyong,he is chatting with his mates but he smile and said he will visit me.I even said goodbye to some of the boys in my class

including Kim Taehyung.

A random day morning in half term

Namjoon is still sleeping when I sneak out of the house,I decide not to tell my brother cuz he can be really protective sometimes.Still,I am glad I have a brother who loves me.

I skip along the path happily,I am going to a place I always love!

It's a secret shop with amazing homemade things,you can also do clay models too!

Everything is going fine until...

"Jennie,what are u doing at 5:30?Sleepwalking?"Taehyung said,blocking my path.

"No,now leave me along,it's holiday so I am not a slave."I smirk when I saw him open his mouth and close it again,this guy is ran out of excuses to ruin my life.

My High school sweetheart (Taennie)Where stories live. Discover now