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Jennie's POV

I love my present so much!Taeyong gave me a snow globe.When you shake it,tiny snowflakes flying in the little glass ball,there are a cute bear and a bunny inside too.

"Thank you so much!!"I hug him,"That's so cute."I smile.

"Would you wanna hang out in the Christmas holidays?"Taeyong Ask shyly."I have something really really important to tell you."

"On 30th of December?"

"Yeah,that's fine of me,cuz I am kinda of busy taking classes,so I don't have lots of free days...Never mind,are you free?"

I was just want to tell him about the party,since he is busy.I guess I will forgot about the party.

"Sure."I grin."Let's go to our first lesson together."Taehyung probably already gone with Jimin,so no need for Wait then!

"Jennie,can I ask you something?"

I nod.

"Do you think,there is pure friendship between male and Female?"

"Of course there are."I am tiny bit confused why he asked such a easy questions.

"What do you do for being Taehyung's servant?"

"Nothing much,I just have to sit next to him and obey some of his ridiculous orders."Taehyung carry his own bag and books after a week I turned into his servant.

"Why do you think he want you to be his servant when you are not doing anything for him?"

"He probably forgets sometimes I am actually his servant."I shrug,"Hey,don't remind him about it."I smirk.

Taeyong smile,"I will always be on your side."He said,"No matter what."

Author's POV

Taeyong means something behind his words,but Jennie didn't notice.

They started their Christmas holiday.

A random day morning.

"Wow,you look amazing.If we are not related,I would have date you."Namjoon Said open-mouthed.

He is right,Jennie spend almost her whole morning choosing an outfit.Because she want to celebrate Taeyong's great news.

"Shut up."Jennie roll her eyes.

"Are you going on a date,sis?"

"Nope,I am going to Taeyong's house.He said he will pick me up."

"I need to go,too."Namjoon said,"Bye Jen."


Jennie wait for Taeyong in the bus stop near her house.

Soon she got a text:

Taeyong:Soz,Jennie.I think I will be late for a bit.

She sigh as she get up and decide to buy a drink from the shop across the road.

Jennie's POV

I bought a bottle of water as I sit in the bus stop,waiting for Taeyong.

"Jennie!What are you doing?"A familiar voice.

I was hoping it's gonna be Taeyong,but it's Taehyung,so I keep playing my phone.

"Don't ignore me."He said,soften his voice,"Answer me."

"I am going to Taeyong's house,he has something important to tell me."

My High school sweetheart (Taennie)Where stories live. Discover now