I can't lost him.

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Taeyong's POV

"Come and chase me!"The girl in front of me said,the sunlight is too strong I can't see her face,but her tone is bright and happy,just like Jennie.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Jennie,your childhood best friend,sit with me."Jennie tap the seat next to her.

"But What about Taehyung?"

"He just some bossy nobody to me,I like you Taeyong."Her cheeks turn pink,"Let's be together."She hold out her hand.

Right now,a girl I have crush on for lots of years is now wanting me to be her boyfriend.This is like a dream,with a offer I can't say no to.

It is a dream.

I wake up with a star-struck grin on my face,then it fade to my usual emotionless face.Time to face the ugly reality,I sigh.

Me and Jennie are still ordinary friends,she still laugh at my jokes and go though our children memories together,but...We are still friends.

Only friends

Doyoung,one of my best friends,plan out my whole love life for me.I can see he is a great person.but sometimes,I feel like I am trapped in his plans,this is exactly what I feel now.

I think I know what to do,I will confess to her.

Jennie's POV

Our Physical Education teacher is in a bad mood today,we can all see.Even,Jin,his favorite student,get told off too.

"Everyone,That's simply not good enough!Don't stand there frowning like I owe you money,6000 meters,NOW!"

"But we did 6000 meters already 5 minutes ago,do we really have to do it again?"Jin's one arm is around Jisoo,who is trembling,her face pale like a paper,her lips is light shade of purple.

It's December and the weather is freezing.When we have to change out of our own comfy warm clothes to the thin-layer of sports kit,you know what's gonna happen.The teacher just made us run 6000 meters,and it's horrible.Jisoo had almost fainted.

"Shut up!If you just leave your little girlfriend alone and let her run,she won't be cold anymore.Now GO!"He shove Jisoo,that made her almost fall.

I take a big breath as I step forward,"Teacher,we followed your Order because we respect you,now you are making unwise decision,why should we listen to you?"

"I am your teacher,I can tell you what to do."

"Tell us to run in the freezing weather without warm clothes when you are relaxing in the room?Tell Jisoo to run 6000 meters when she is so weak?"I put my arm around Jisoo,"We are not teenagers,some of us is already an adult,we can decide whatever is right or not."

I heard Taehyung chuckle at the teacher's embarrassed face.

"You might be right.But it's rude of you,speaking to your teachers like that.Run 6000 meters for me,whatever your name is,everyone else,come in."The teacher point at me.

"I don't think it's right to punish someone for speaking out the truth."Taehyung said,standing in front of me.

I feel that warm feeling tickling in my chest,again.

"You and you,run 3000 meters as least for speaking to your teacher like that."The teacher not even brother to remember our name.

Jin opens his mouth to say something,but Taehyung shake his hand and mouth:It's ok.

Jisoo turn around and give us a weak smile,as she throw a pair of gloves to me,I smile at her.

"Come on,Jennie,Let's face the cold."Taehyung hold my hand,his hand is as cool as usual,but it heat up every part of me.

My High school sweetheart (Taennie)Where stories live. Discover now