Mini Skit #34

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Jeremiah: *glares at Bruce* You ungrateful little bitch, you never understood the things I did for you out of love! 

Bruce: *glares back at him* Hey! Did I ask to star in the movie that's called "The Life of a Valeska"? No! I just got roped into something I didn't want any part in by Jerome on that night! I'm more of a victim than you are! So don't you fucking call me "ungrateful", you perverted psychotic clown-banging stalking crippled old man ginger motherfucking son of a bitch! 

Jeremiah: Well, my mother wasn't exactly a saint... 

Bruce: And the only bitch in this room is you...

Ask/Dare Bruce, Jeremiah, Edward, Oswald, 514A, & Jerome - Gotham *OPEN* + MSWhere stories live. Discover now