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before-reading disclaimer: i know that
the drama is over with, and the boys are
cool now, but i already planned everything
out, so don't comment ignorant shit, thx.

After watching the live-streams of her "friends", it was safe to say that Mackayla was upset and disappointed. Being the supportive friend she was, she decided to go to Alvaro's house.

She let herself in, heading up the stairs. "Varo!" she called. Per usual, Alvaro's parents weren't home. It was a Saturday night, and they were out on "date night".

Opening the bedroom door, she stopped. She scanned the room, noticing Roshaun on one end of the room and Alvaro on his bed. Alvaro tried a weak smile, but Mackayla knew him. It broke her seeing him like this, knowing the guys she loved with all her heart did this to each other.

Mackayla walked over to Alvaro, sitting on his bed. She threw her arms around him, squeezing him. "Mac, I'm fine!" he whined.

"This is for me more than it's for you," she admitted. Then, she felt Alvaro's arms wrap around her as well. Pulling back, she looked into his eyes. "You're okay, though?" he nodded.

"What about you, Ro?" she turned to face the taller boy. He shrugged. "It is what it is, you know," he spoke.

"I hate this. I don't wanna choose sides, but at the same time, I wanna beat their asses for that," the girl huffed.

"Don't do anything stupid. Ale's your best friend, and you know, Mattia," Alvaro tried to reason with the girl.

"You guys are my best friends too, and no, I don't, 'you know, Mattia'. What about his bitch ass?" the girl asked bluntly.

"Oh, nothing, never mind," he decided. Mackayla looked at him with a side eye before deciding it probably wasn't important.

Mackayla opened Tiktok, and what she saw angered her. Her whole "#ForYouPage" was the drama. It had flooded most social media platforms, and Mackayla was pissed. There was absolutely no reason for the whole predicament to be so public.

( 4 recipients )

kayla, okay i tried to be subtle,
but right now, you guys need to
apologize to varo and ro. this
whole thing got blown out of
proportion and for no fucking

kairi, you didn't have to get
involved in the first place...

mattia, ^

kayla, if it was the other way
around, you guys would expect
me to choose your side and
defend you

kairi, no.. not really

ale 💛, everything's already done
with. shit happens, kayla

kayla, ???

kayla, you guys have literally
been friends since forever???

kayla, shit doesn't just "happen"
with you guys.

mattia, yea well shit just
"happened" with us..

kayla, 🥱

kayla, this isn't about you nigga

kayla, anyway.

kayla, work this shit out.
you're gonna regret leaving shit
on bad terms when they move

kairi, i honestly don't think
i will

kayla, you're so small-minded
but yk what they say... 🤏🏾

ale 💛, didn't mean to laugh
under such circumstances, but
i'll think about what you said

kairi, fuck you mackayla

mattia, ^ and that's on shawty.

hi, i'm gonna try to update at
least once a day, but that might be
hard since i have school and basketball.
also... idk what to do with mattia
and mackayla because they like...
hate each other so might have to
make this an alejandro fic 😳
haha jp... unless...

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