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The boys and Mackayla were all equally devastated and distraught. The boys walked Mackayla to her car. Mattia decided he'd drive since Mackayla seemed so out of it. "You guys good?" Alejandro asked, leaning against the car window. Mattia nodded, and Mackayla mumbled a "yeah".

Mattia pulled off, driving in the direction of Mackayla's house.

"I don't wanna be here," she muttered when Mattia pulled up in the driveway of her house. Mattia instantly knew why Mackayla had been pushing them away; why she'd been so different. He knew this by the car parked in the driveway. Mackayla's mother was back from wherever she was previously.

"Want me to come in with you?" Mattia asked. Mackayla shrugged. "Or we can go to your house," she suggested.

"Nah, Pops is kinda mad at me. I wasn't supposed to go out tonight because he wants me to cut my hair, and I refuse."

"Mommie Dearest it is then," Mackayla remarked, reluctantly opening the car door. Mattia stood beside her, noticing how Mackayla's demeanor had suddenly changed. He grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze. She looked up at him before pulling him with her toward the front door.

She unlocked it, using the electronic keypad. The lock whirred, and Mackayla pushed open the door. As far as she could tell, her mother was asleep. She'd probably be in so much trouble if her mom found out she got home at 6 in the morning.

Mackayla pulled Mattia up the stairs, still holding his hand. When they walked into the den, Mackayla's mom was sitting on the white leather armchair. "Hello, daughter," the woman spoke. Mackayla's heart began to thump.

"Hey, Mom," she gulped. Mattia felt her nails dig into the back of his hand, but he didn't let go. "Where were you?" the woman asked, paying attention to the fireplace in front of her.

"I, uh, I was just saying bye to Roshaun and Alvaro at the airport."

Mackayla's mom lifted her phone to glance at the time. "This late at night?"

"I mean, yeah... I didn't think you'd be home, so we made these plans a while ago."

"So when I'm out of the country you're running behind my back and doing things you're not supposed to? Leaving late at night? Sneaking boys into your bedroom? Having sex?" the woman stood up.

"No, ma'am. I just... I won't see 'Varo and 'Ro in━"

"Are your little friends more important than my trust?" she interrupted Mackayla.

"N-No, ma'am. I'm sorry, it won't happen again," Mackayla turned to leave, pulling Mattia with her.

"You haven't gotten rid of Christian yet, have you? He's a good one," the girl's mother sat back down. "Nope, he's still around."

Finally making it down the hall, Mackayla closed her door after she and Mattia were in her room. "Mac, why didn't you tell me your moms was back?"

"You guys were right; I've been pushing you away. I didn't feel like talking about it," she shrugged, opening her closet door. "So... it has nothing to do with Caleb?"

Mackayla sat on the floor, removing her shoes. "I don't wanna talk about him. It. Any of it. At all," she spoke dryly.

Mattia nodded but continued to press anyway. "Did something happen?"

"Tia, I said I didn't wanna talk about it. I'll talk about it at some point, but I'm really tired and drained right now. It's six in the morning. My mom hates me for no reason. I miss Ro' and 'Varo already, and I just wanna sleep," Mackayla exited the closet. She closed the door, flicking off the light as well. She then grabbed her soft blanket from the edge of her bed.

Mackayla then lied on her back, looking at the ceiling. She'd turned off all the lights except for her Christmas lights. Laying down beside her, Mattia waited for her to say something. "I'm sorry for the way I've been acting. When I'm finally ready to tell you guys, you'll be the first person to know, I promise."

"I just thought I did something wrong. After Halloween, you ghosted, and I thought that maybe I pushed you too far, so I gave you space. But knowing that it was bigger than that makes me feel like an asshole."

Mackayla sat up, re-situating herself so her head was laying on Mattia's chest. His arm wrapped itself around her frame, and she snuggled closer to him. "Is Chicken gonna get mad?" Mattia asked, causing Mackayla to snort. She slapped his chest, rolling her eyes. "Is Salmonella?" she retorted.

"Go to sleep," Mattia said, closing his eyes. "Fuck you, fat bitch."

"Shut up before I post about this and make sure to tag your boyfriend."

"Don't," Mackayla said in a serious tone. "I'm just kidding, but goodnight for real this time. I love you."

"I love you more, Tia."

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