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Mackayla walked with Mattia hand-in-hand towards airport security. Mattia carried Mackayla's duffel bag on his shoulder, deciding to bring out the gentleman side of him. The couple wasn't talking, just enjoying their final moments together before they'd be separated for a few days.

Mackayla'd been thinking over the past few hours ‒ about what Alvaro said, about what Janae said, and even about what a lot of her fans and followers had been saying. In their eyes, Mackayla and Mattia were a toxic couple and toxic people. But in each other's eyes, they didn't see that. They saw each other to be perfect, and they saw their relationship as functional and full of love. Not a single part of either of them believed they weren't good for each other. They'd been broken up before, and they both refused to live life without the other. And that? That was considered toxic to plenty of people.

Mattia had been thinking too. He told himself he'd never let go of Mackayla unless she gave him a reason to, and so far, she hadn't. He loved that girl more than he had ever loved anyone else. He grew up with her ‒ watched her grow up. He watched her shift into the amazing girl he loved to that day. They'd been through so much, yet they had so much more to go through. However, one thought still lingered in his mind. Were they toxic? Was he ruining her? Mattia had never cared about what other people thought of him, but the one thing he would've never stood for, was slander against Mackayla. Had them being together ruined her image?

Mackayla stopped walking, causing Mattia to stop walking as well. "I know I said a nap would solve all of our issues, and things would be okay, but are we toxic? Are we fucking up even more by being together again?" Mackayla asked, nearly running out of breath by how fast she was talking.

Mattia shook his head, dropping Mackayla's duffel bag at their feet. His hands rested on the sides of the girl's neck, his thumbs resting on her jaw. "Baby, no," Mattia answered. He sighed, looking at the girl's softened facial expressions.

"We fought way too fucking hard for us to break up again," Mackayla laughed at Mattia's words. "You say that like it's the '60s."

"Shut up," Mattia laughed, his facial expression growing serious again. "Fuck what everybody else says. We're not toxic. People use that word to describe everything nowadays."

"It's you and me against the world, and that's on Romeo and Juliet," Mattia concluded, causing Mackayla to roll her eyes. "Did you ever fully read or watch Romeo and Juliet?" Mattia shook his head.

"They kill themselves at the end, but sure," Mackayla informed the boy, causing him to laugh. "Yeah, never mind."

Mackayla pulled out her phone, checking the time. There were thirty minutes until her flight began to board, and the line at security was long.

Mattia took notice of the girl's saddened expression. "It's only three days, ma."

"I know, but listen, I have a bad feeling about this weekend. 'Varo is probably still mad at me and probably doesn't even want me to come. I don't like half the people going, and if fake scandals come out, I'm gonna lose my shit," Mackayla stated.

"You'll be okay. Alvaro probably only said all of that because he was annoyed. I'll talk to Robert when I see him later. Just stay with Roshaun and Alvaro and you should be fine. Baby, you know they'd never let anything happen to you."

Mackayla sighed, taking a deep breath. Her nerves were all over the place. "I love you," Mackayla said, pressing her head against Mattia's chest. His arms wrapped around her frame, holding her tightly.

"I love you more, amore," Mattia said, resting his head on top of Mackayla's.

After holding each other for a few minutes, Mackayla pulled back. "I should go," she stated.

"God, I wish you weren't leaving," Mattia commented. Mackayla fake pouted, resting her hand on the side of Mattia's face. She then placed her other hand on the side of his face, yanking him down. His arms wrapped around her waist as her hands held his face. "I love you," she kissed his cheek.

"I'll call you when I land," she kissed the other cheek. "I'll miss you," she kissed the side of his face. "So," another kiss to his face. "So," another one. "Much," she then kissed his lips.

Mattia brought his lips to Mackayla's for a deeper and more passionate kiss. When pulling back, Mackayla grinned up at him.

She picked up her duffel bag, taking a step back. "Baby, one more kiss," Mattia grabbed ahold of Mackayla's free hand, pulling her towards him again. "Baby, I have to go!" Mackayla whined.

Mattia pressed a final kiss to Mackayla's lips before letting her go. Mackayla turned around, slowly walking off. "I love you, fatfuck!" the boy called after her.

"I love you more, fathead!"

i said what i had to say in the
chapter before this. it's all i have
to say on the topic.

anyway, merry christmas! i hope
you guys have a fantastic day. 💛

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