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Mackayla skipped into the building, a grin plastered on her face. For the first time in forever, Mackayla felt good. She felt genuinely happy, and she couldn't wait to radiate that energy elsewhere.

She turned the corner, her smile growing bigger. The boys looked her direction, waving her over. Mackayla continued her walk over to them. Mackayla "shook up" the people in the group she wasn't too familiar with, and then, she hugged her friends. "Hi," she greeted them happily.

She then turned to her boyfriend, grinning up at him. "Hi, baby," Mattia wrapped his arms around the girl's waist, bringing his lips to hers slowly. "Alright, this is where I dip," Alejandro commented. "No, for real, though," Kairi agreed."

Mackayla pulled back, flipping the boys off. Mattia placed his arm around Mackayla's shoulders, pulling her into him. Her arm wrapped around his waist as she leaned against him. "How's my favorite couple?" Victoria and some other girls slid over when Kairi and Alejandro turned away to participate in another conversation.

Mattia looked at Mackayla, and Mackayla looked at him. "Great; I feel fucking amazing," Mackayla answered.

"That's good to hear. Listen, Kayla, we were gonna go to Plaza after school... if you wanna come," Victoria said. Mackayla smiled. She hardly got invited to anything by girls. The only plans she ever made were with the boys ‒ them being her only friends and everything. Mackayla looked up at Mattia, and she decided that she needed a break from the boys.

However, Mattia answeredbefore she could. "Can't; she'll be busy sucking m‒" Mackayla smacked the back of Mattia's head. "Bro, shut up. Anyway, I'm down. I'll let you know, though. If not, we can always go some other time."

Victoria and Jess smiled. "Yeah, of course. See you around, guys."

As the girls turned and left, the first period bell rang. The pair began walking to their Early Childhood class.

Walking in more than a few minutes late, the two slid into the back at Kairi's and Alejandro's table. "Sit down, Mr. Polibio and Ms. Montanez."

"Today marks the beginning of your final semester project. A pair of you, chosen by yourselves, will be tasked to look after a child. This child will be all you sleep, breathe, and eat for the next week. Detailed in the packet are your instructions, a rubric, and everything you need to know. In the meantime, when I call you, tell me who you've partnered up with. Once doing that, grab a packet from my desk and get started immediately."

"This baby is fucking ugly," Mackayla blurted when looking at her "child". Her teacher, Mrs. Holloway had given each pair in her class an interactive baby that ate, slept, cried, and pooped all while recording their activity.

"It's our baby. How are you gonna call our son ugly?" Mattia replied as the couple walked towards Mackayla's car. "First of all, it's a girl. If we had a son, he'd be cute. This little white baby is not ours. The hoe is adopted."

"Baby, be nice. It can hear you," Mattia whispered. Mackayla let out a laugh. "Fuck this baby," Mackayla flicked its head. Within seconds, the doll had erupted into screams.

Mackayla and Mattia stopped in the middle of the parking lot, trying to stop the baby from crying. "Maybe pop a titty and let it breastfeed."

"Nigga, shut up," Mackayla rolled her eyes. She handed the baby to Mattia, digging into her backpack for her car keys. Looking back towards Mattia, she realized the baby had stopped crying. In fact, Mattia was holding the baby as if it were a real one. Not saying anything, Mackayla just admired her boyfriend. She had to admit; he was good with kids.

"Been together for not even a week, and you already have a kid," Kairi commented as he, Alejandro, and Robert approached the couple.

"Isn't she cute?" Mackayla asked sarcastically, showcasing Mattia and the baby. "What's her name? Gretchen?" Alejandro asked.

"No, I don't know what we're gonna name her," Mackayla then turned to Mattia. He shrugged, "Mattia Junior;" he responded.

"No," Mackayla pulled open the trunk of her car, tossing her backpack in the back.  The boys followed then piled into the backseat. When Kairi tried to get in, Mattia stopped him. "Where is Little Mackayla-Mattia gonna sit?"

"In the trunk," Kairi replied, taking the baby and tossing it into behind him. "Our baby!" Mackayla shrieked, running out of the car. Mattia followed her, pulling open the trunk once again. He grabbed the baby, making sure it was okay.

Then, Mackayla realized. "Didn't you guys get a baby? Where is it?"

"My backpack," Alejandro shrugged nonchalantly. Mackayla then unzipped the boy's backpack, gasping. "The fuck did you guys get a black baby for?"

"Fuck the babies. Can we get food somewhere?" Robert asked. Mattia grabbed both babies, bringing them into the passenger's seat with him. Mackayla closed the trunk, sliding into the front seat finally.

hi 😍 we on winter break asf,
and best believe i got all a's.
anyway, i'll be updating regularly.

also. idk why i made this whole
project happen. i just wanna see
them argue over their fake baby 😍

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