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"Kayla, you didn't have to do all that," Kairi stated. "You guys would have done it for m- Nevermind, no you wouldn't have. Either way, I was not gonna let some random ass accounts disrespect you guys or myself," Mackayla said, walking to sit on her bed. Mattia moved to sit next to her. Their legs were touching, and Mackayla turned to look at him.

"You guys should get breakfast," Mackayla told the rest of the guys. "I'm not h━" Alejandro began, but Alvaro pulled him up anyway. "My guy!" Kairi shook up Mattia. "Get out," he stated.

Kairi scurried out the room and closed the door. "Hold on," Mackayla ran to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth, then walked back into her room. She sat next to Mattia and turned to him.

He was looking at her, not saying anything. "If you kiss me, I'll punch you in the throat."

"Oh, I thought that's why━ It doesn't matter. Anyway, yes, we're friends again."

"Good. Because I can't stand you hating me."

"I already told you I don't hate you, dumbass," Mattia corrected the girl. Mackayla shrugged.

"I know, but it was just so different when we weren't close. Like, you're all I've ever known, and losing you, made me lose a piece of myself, you know?"

"Don't be gay; I'm here now, okay? And I'm sorry for the way I acted after we broke up. It wasn't cool of me, and I should've put you and your feelings first before deciding to completely cut you off like that."

Mackayla took Mattia's hand, putting her other hand on top of it. His hands were large, soft, and warm. Mattia pulled the girl up from her bed. They stood in front of each other, just looking at each other, until Mackayla squeezed him. She rested her head against his chest. Mattia wrapped his arms around her, deciding he'd never let go. Not again. Not that easily.

Their peaceful moment was shortly interrupted. The door burst open, causing Mackayla and Mattia to pull away from each other. "Kayla, we tried to tell him not to come in, but━" Alvaro rambled. "What?"

Followed by Alvaro and Alejandro was Christian, Mackayla's boyfriend. Followed by him was Roshaun and Kairi. "So... This is what you've been doing when you're not answering your phone."

"What are you talking about?" Mackayla asked, fully alerted now. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted you to be or let you friends with your ex."

Mackayla stifled a laugh. "You're fucking delusional. First of all, let me?"

The boys stood and watched, fully prepared to jump in. "Can we not do this here?" Christian's facial expressions softened. "You're the one who walked in my house all big and bold. But yeah, let's not do this here. Get out."

Christian stepped towards Mackayla, but Mattia stepped between them. "You heard her, man."

Christian turned to leave, and for a moment it looked like he wasn't going to, but then, he did.

"Why are you dating that asshole?" Roshaun entered the room, the other three boys following after him.

"He's not an asshole, but me being with you guys 24/7 gets to him. I mean, I'd be pissed too if he was only ever with females. But that's not important. What're we doing tonight?" Mackayla changed the conversation to the topic of Halloween.

"We can go to a party or we can spend the night watching movies," Kairi brainstormed.

"Part of me wants to get cross-faded, but the other half wants to wrap myself in blankets and watch all the Halloweentowns," Mackayla responded. The five boys groaned. "We're not watching those again," Alvaro refused.

"Yes, we are. I'm the only girl, which means my opinion is the only one that matters."

"That's definitely not how shit works, but we should probably start getting ready if we're doing anything. I have to go home, shower, and get my clothes," Mattia informed the group.

"Same, so we can meet back at Kayla's at 6?" Roshaun spoke. Everybody hummed or nodded in agreement.

"So... Y'all just gonna leave... What if Christian comes back?"

"Who's Chri━ Oh! Fuck ole dude, we'll be back in no time," Alejandro answered, grabbing his backpack from against a wall.

Alejandro wrapped an arm around Kayla before pressing a kiss to her temple, causing the girl to break into a goofy grin. "Um," Mackayla called to Mattia and Alvaro, who were halfway out the door. Alvaro shuffled back over to the girl, hugging her quickly. Roshaun and Kairi has already taken off, but Mackayla'd just have to say bye to them in the group chat. Mattia slowly walked over to Mackayla.

"You gonna punch me in the throat if I kiss you now?"

"Right here," the girl grinned, pointing at her cheek. She closed her eyes, rocking from back and forth on the tips of her toes. Mattia pinched her face with one hand, sending the girl's stomach into a swarm of butterflies. Instead of doing what Mackayla expected him to do, his long tongue ran down her cheek. "Nigga!" she exclaimed, shoving Mattia away from her.

"You're such a bitch, bro. Get out," Mackayla pushed Mattia out her bedroom door.

i'm so tired, so i'm sorry if that
didn't make sense, or it was just
a bad chapter. i'm juggling so
much on my plate, but toodles!
and i will be changing some of
the plot of this, and the title.
stay tuned

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