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Mackayla happily skipped past the baggage claim. As they drew closer to the terminals, she became giddier and giddier. She was seconds away from seeing two of her best friends.

"Yooo!" the boys erupted into cheers. Mackayla looked up from her phone, spotting the shorter boy and his taller friend. Mackayla squealed, sprinting across the room toward them.

Mackayla threw her arms around Alvaro's shoulders, squeezing him. Tears immediately filled her eyes. "Bro," Alvaro said into Mackayla's shoulder. The two rocked back and forth, holding each other. Mackayla pulled back, looking at Alvaro.

"Stop crying, pussy. It's only been two weeks," Alvaro said, causing Mackayla to laugh. She hit his shoulder. She then turned to Roshaun, hugging him too.

The reunited group of friends walked out of the airport, heading toward Mackayla's and Mateo's cars. "I'm gonna head home, grab Mar, and I'll meet you guys back at Ale's place," Mackayla told the boys. They all nodded. Alvaro and Roshaun piled into Mackayla's backseat with their bags.

Hours after Alvaro and Roshaun arrived in New Jersey, the group of friends was in Alejandro's basement. Mackayla, Mariano, Josh Richards, Alejandro, and Kairi were making Tiktoks in one corner while Alvaro, Mattia, and Roshaun made Tiktoks in another. Throughout the night, Mackayla and Mattia exchanged glances.

Another hour passed, and Mackayla was on the couch, watching the boys act as fools. They were play-fighting, and Mackayla was scrolling through social media. Mackayla brought her wax-pen to her lips, inhaling and exhaling.

Alvaro approached Mackayla, smiling. He sat next to her, taking her pen. He hit it before turning to her and coughing. Mackayla laughed, seeing it coming. She then looked over towards Mattia, catching his eye as well. Alvaro let out a laugh, watching the awkward altercation happen.

"Talk to him," Alvaro said. Mackayla turned to Alvaro, shaking her head. "He doesn't wanna talk to me."

"That's not what he told me," Alvaro sing-songed. Mackayla snapped her head to look at Alvaro. "What'd he say?" Mackayla whispered.

"Ask him," Alvaro shrugged. Mackayla groaned, sinking into the couch. She hit her pen again, allowing her thoughts to entrap her.

( 3 recipients )

fatfuck kayla,
i'm w all the boys

fatfuck kayla,
and tia's here &
idk what to do or

fatfuck kayla,
there's this weird
feeling in the air

fatfuck kayla ,
i miss him and
i shouldn't have
said all of that 😕

nae da gay,
ya wbk.

stupid ass hoe

ofc you miss him.

talk to him. con-
versations exist,

nae da gay,
exactly. don't be

nae da gay,
tell him what's up.

nae da gay,
that ur stupid &
u ain't mean
anything u said

fatfuck kayla,
don't wanna talk it
out. can we fuck it
out 🥱

like that ever works
w y'all. big dumb hoe

nae da gay,
tell my bf i said
hi doe 🥱

fatfuck kayla,

fatfuck kayla,ya bitch i got ya maaaaan

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fatfuck kayla,
ya bitch i got ya


nae da gay,
don't make me come
down there & fight you

fatfuck kayla,
sure, big aggy ass

fatfuck kayla,
anyway, varo said
hi, carli

idgaf. he won't let
me suck his dick

fatfuck kayla,
nigga i hate you
bye 😭

Mackayla looked up from her phone, noticing the boys were no longer fighting. In fact, they were all looking at her. She quickly realized Mattia was no longer in the room. "Go talk to him, please. He's being a bitch," Roshaun broke the silence.

"Fuck that gotta do with me?"

"Go!" Alvaro pulled Mackayla up from the couch. "Alright, alright," Mackayla reluctantly stood up. She walked over to the stairs, slowly walking up them.

Finally making it to the front door, she paused to gather her thoughts. What would she say to him? How would she begin?

i'm deadass so sorry for not
updating for almost a week.
finals were last week and this
upcoming week. but winter
break is right around the
corner, so expect updates & an
ending to this book. also, i've
prewritten the next 2 chapters,
so that's good.

also: life update. some fatback
hoe snitched reya out and told
the fc of copycat about it. 😡
bitches ain't shit.

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