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Alpha groaned, planting his seed into the poor girl then flung her away like a used rag. Facing us in his nude form he smiled, his eyes cutting through the crowd to land on my sister. My breath caught as he rose a finger, the crowd cutting so everyone could see his next pick.

"You," he called to Amber making my fists tighten, "What is your name?"

"A-Amber," she whispered her voice quivering.

"Louder!" he ordered, "State your name."


Above me, dark clouds rumbled in the distance and I had a moment of hesitation. I had never left the pack before – certainly not so far away and definitely never east. I doubted myself – what if I couldn't save Amber?

My wolf within my body growled loudly and I nodded. She was right, there was no place for hesitation. There was only do and if I didn't do, then I would die.

Soon I'd be entering pack lands that wasn't my own. Not to mention I was no fighter and could barely even shift without the help of the moon. I was only just above an omega – thus I would need to be on my best guard. Or I'd die before I could even lay eyes on the former rogue king. And I wouldn't accept failure as an option.

My wolf hummed in agreement.

We would save Amber. 





Thank you so much for reading my book and if you enjoyed please check out my blog where I will be reviewing books and discussing my daily processes, etc! The blog is new, I've never had one before so I don't really know how to run one completely, I'd love suggestions lol.

Anyways, even if you don't want to check out my blog, I'd be honored if you checked out my other books :)  

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