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He didn't really know how long he ran, the adrenaline was already gone when he finally stopped. Hyunjin looked around and saw that he was in some unfamiliar street. Great, he's lost.

How was he going to find to Eunjeong Hyung now?

He continued to walk into a small park where he spotted an playground. It wasn't so dangerous to take a break right? Without thinking further he sat down on a swing, with his knees pressed against his chest. The tears started to fall as he tried to keep the cold away, since he had forgotten his jacket at home, even the bag his brother gave him.

Why would they kidnap his hyung?

What would he do? They took his brother and he didn't even know how to find him and save him. Hyunjin was lost and cold, he really didn't know that his life was going to turn out like this. He lost his brother and home, all in one night. He was alone and lost, no one would come.

Small sobs and broken whimpers were heard, the silence was all around him. It felt really suffocating and he felt like giving up on the world, just curling into a ball and go to sleep.


He can't give up now. He would find his brother, the sooner, the better.

Hyunjin curls his frozen fingers into balls as he got up and began to walk. His determined thought were the only thing keeping him from thinking about the cold and loneliness

How long did he even walk? Hyunjin didn't know but he was determined to find his brothers friend. He let out a shaky breath and tugged his sweater closer to his body. Luck seemed to be on his side when he found a road leading to a larger open street with some shops. Maybe he could find someone who could help him find.

He stepped into a small shop and looked around. It was warmer inside and he tried to warm himself while looking for someone to come. Then, a small figure behind a shelf made him froze. The person had a sweet scent and he understood that it must be an omega.

Just as he expected, a man appeared from behind the shop and both of them stopped.

"Taeyong hyung?"

Taeyong looked shocked but began immediately walk towards the younger.

"Jinnie, what are you doing here?? Why are you only in a sweater? Do you know how cold it is now?"

Before the older could say anything more, Hyunjin broke into tears. Taeyong began to worry as he dragged his dongsaeng into the back of the shop in front of a small fire place and wrapped a blanket around him.


Taeyong's voice were soft as he set down a cup of hot chocolate in front of Hyunjin.

"Do you want to tell me what happened? Why were you all alone at this time?"

Hyunjin sat quiet and sipped on his chocolate, letting warmth engulf him before speaking.

"They took hyung."


Hyunjin took a deep breath before telling the older the whole story. How his older brother had panicked and defended him, how he got lost and then finding the small flower shop. Taeyong sat and listened through everything with a deep frown and worry in his eyes. When Hyunjin finished, they sat in silence as Taeyong tucked him into more blankets.

"Hyung do you know what's going on? What does my brother not want me to know?"

Taeyong looked at Hyunjin before speaking up.

"You are too young, Jinnie."

Hyunjin stared at Taeyong and curled his fists into balls.

"What's with the 'you are too young'?!?! I just lost my brother and God knows what more he lied about!"

You Are Ours [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now