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He had been restless ever since Jisung gave him that box. Already suspecting there was more, probably from their own studies, he wondered how long they had kept an eye on him and his brother until some months ago.

Quite unbelievable, he had been stuck here for months. Where was Jinyoung? Was he even alive?

It was either them who kept him prisoner or it was another mafia.

Hyunjin sighed, picking up Wonpil's familiar file. Never ever in his life he'd suspected all the people who actually stuck around him was running from mafia or gangs, some even a dark past. But he wouldn't be too surprised either.

It had been for the best he didn't make much friends. Now they wouldn't have to be dragged into this mess.

Often nowadays, he'd stay up working until he was too hungry or tired for his brain to function more. Having gone through the files countless of times, he was familiar with every bit of information , even memorized some things before moving on to try remembering. Besides that, he also spent his days wandering around and studying the mansion for any possible route or secret door.

As he busied himself, he started seeing them lesser and lesser. His pack, he realized. Or they were at least supposed to be, he wasn't forcefully claimed anyways.

Heat spread across his cheeks at the memories and Hyunjin shook his head. All he should be focusing on now is getting his brother free and away from those dangerous men.

Chan only hummed at him when he asked about his brother, the raven being cautious around the subject seeing how they wouldn't let him know anything about Jinyoung. Sometimes in the mornings, he'd wake up with the alpha's scent beside him but a cold bed.

At least they tried to seem like they cared.

Even if he saw them lesser, he knew they was watching him. Their physical touches had stopped, Hyunjin no longer enter ring their rooms, let alone leaving his room until he was sure he was alone. ( not fully alone but oh well )

Felix's scent lay on top of his own in the pillows every morning he woke up, a distant memory of someone brushing their fingers though his hair as he slept.

Sometimes, when he ignored the shame and his pride, Hyunjin strolled into Woojin's room to find some comfort in the older's calming scent. If the alpha had noticed, he didn't say anything, even if Hyunjin would plop down on his bed to inhale the heavy scent of him and tints of Chan's.

Wishing the feeling didn't feel so much like home, he curled up further in the middle of the floor.

Denying that he belonged to them was a lie and he wished he could keep finding something to hate about them, but it didn't do as well when they treated him so gently. Like glass, ready to break anytime.

If he could avoid them, his hate would surely grow stronger. Right?

Yet he found himself missing their touches, only to shake his head and mumble to himself how he must've gone crazy. However, the lack of touch and attention got his wolf whimpering sadly and he opted on stealing some things to scent instead.

As long as he avoided them, he wouldn't fall deeper. They wouldn't miss those missing clothes or pillows either.

The male sighed tiredly, rubbing his eyes as he lay the image of the mansion's first plan in front of him. The only escaping way was through the door that was thick with bars ( they were added when he was asleep and no one would explain why ) and after that a freaking large yard with fences of electricity.

It wast entirely impossible to escape right? However, he couldn't risk it if he wanted to keep his brother alive. Right now, he didn't have time to do anything stupid.

You Are Ours [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now