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It's been a month.

A month since they captured Hyunjin, a month since he became theirs. Well not officially yet.

But the alpha had warmed up to them, showing them the side of him his family was familiar with. It was like watching a cute puppy and yet Chan was so afraid he would escape.

He had watched the cameras, the younger clearly still wanted to escape as he stared at the doors all day.

Maybe it wasn't a good idea to leave him alone in the mansion. Knowing the other, he would feel lonely.

One time, the younger was so close escaping and Chan had stormed home, only to find him cuddled up in a corner crying.

Watching Hyunjin cry was heartbreaking.

He had scrambled down beside the younger, hugging him and whispering soft words.

After a few minutes the younger had calmed down and they stayed like that for the rest of the day. Chan didn't want to let go of the fragile alpha.

Hyunjin was fragiler than an omega at times.

"Are you still doubting he will stay?"

He looked up to meet Woojin's eyes. The older smiled calmly.

"I'm just- I don't want to loose him."

"Don't worry Chan, he already love us, enough to stay. Hyunjin is a sweetheart, I don't think he would break our hearts."

The black haired boy sighed.

"I don't know if I can wait much longer."

"Soon honey. I have a feeling it will come soon."

Now when he thought about the last month, he could remember nothing but warmth and happiness.

How long had he stayed by now?

He stopped counting. He forgot the counting.

Hyunjin liked how they treated him so gently. No one forced theirselves on him like he had expected. When he was sad, they would be there and make him happy again.

Why was they treating him so nicely?

He wanted to stay.

Shaking his head, he tried to lose these feelings. The thoughts in his head were killing him.

He already accepted the love he had for them.

He wanted them to hold him.

To kiss him until he couldn't breath.

He hated himself for those feelings. But they had done nothing wrong.

Except that feeling that always suffocated him. He was happy with them ( unexpectedly) but the constant feeling always came, giving him no rest. He wanted to find his brother.

He wanted to meet his brother again

He loved how he became a part of their lives. Small kisses, hugs and cuddles was always exchanged between them and it felt just like an usual teenage crush.

They didn't hesitate to tell him about their life too. Things about them, things captors shouldn't tell their prisoner.

All those mind games drove him insane.

Hyunjin felt how they trusted him, they did even tell him how much they loved him. In fact, they did everyday.

He couldn't help his pathetic beating heart.

Why would they trust him? Why had they kidnapped him if they just wanted him to fall in love?

Sometimes it kept him awake at night. He never understood why he wanted to stay.

He was too deep in and now he couldn't escape it. His feelings was too strong.

First night he realized, he had cried himself to sleep.

Why? Why?

Hyunjin was tired. But he felt loved.

The love they felt for him was real.

Would it be so bad to stay?

Jeongin hated to hear the older cry. But on the same time, he always looked so beautiful crying.

How his eyes wrinkled up and those brown orbs was filled with glistening tears. And then when the tears would roll down in those pale cheeks, it made Hyunjin look so aesthetic and pretty.

Watching the older cry he fought the urge to smash his lips on Hyunjin's and hold him tight.

He understood the things Hyunjin was going through. If he just let them, he would understand how much they wanted him to stay. How much they wanted him.

He knew Chan hyung was insecure. The older looked dominant and cold but was really kind and soft. They showed him the true personalities this past month.

He knew that confused Hyunjin. But soon enough, the older would come to a decision.

And they would wait for him. Jeongin held Hyunjin close as the other cried into his shoulder.

You Are Ours [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now