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Hyunjin woke up rapidly. He gripped the sheets and shut his eyes as his heart speeded, trying to get the imagines out of his head. He had that nightmare again...
Always the same nightmare, ever since he was seven years old. He fisted the sheets harder as he took a deep breath.
I'm going to find you hyung...

First time he woke up, he thought it was a dream. But when he looked around and didn't recognize anything, everything came crashing down and he panicked.
Then, without noticing, he passed out again. Probably because of that damn drug.
And now he was here. Sitting up in the bed and quietly listened after sounds. Only silence met him as he assumed that maybe the mafia boys had left him in some kind of dungeon.
He began to look around as his heart settled down. To his surprise, it wasn't some kind of dirty cell. He was in a bedroom who was renovated to have this home feeling. White walls with soft colors and pictures, the bed was king sized with black, soft sheets. There was armchairs and a sofa in one corner with a large table in front of a tv. Bookshelves with books and plants brighten up the room, the lamps softly shone though the room. A large window in the right side with cushions were you can sit and a desk with an armchair.
The room looked honestly cozy but he didn't forget what he was there for. He quietly got up and looked though the two other doors, one leading to a big wardrobe and the other to a big bathroom.
He would say, he was surprised. He thought that would leave him in some kind of a dirty cell and then get him when he was needed. He really didn't expect this.
Hyunjin blushed as he remembered what they did before he was drugged. His body had never felt that weird in his entire life, having no one to touch it like they did. His blush deepened as he almost could feel the hands on his body again, giving him pleasure.
A shake in the head and he slapped himself slightly. What was he thinking of? He had to get out.
Sneaking to the window, he pushed the curtains slightly apart and was met by sunlight blinding his eyes. He groaned and blinked before seeing clearer. He was on the second floor of some kind of luxury house. His heart dropped as he realized that he could never jump from the window unless he had a death wish. And there was also grinds and walls to a big garden, probably miles large.
Shit, how is he going to escape?
He sat down on the bed again and stared at the only door left.

Was he going to do this or not? What was going to happen once he opened the door? He had no literal idea were he was. He flushed as he remembered more of the previous night. Why would they even want him alive? He wasn't an omega to satisfy them, he don't even know about things like that.

But they knew where his brother is. And he wouldn't leave until he had found out where his brother was. Hyunjin stared out of the window as he thought of Jinyoung. What if he was hurt or worse-dead? He shook his head and convinced himself to not think about that.

While thinking, he failed to notice that a certain pink haired male had entered the room.

"Did you sleep well?"

Hyunjin startled and winced as his head slightly hit the wall.

"How long have you been standing there?!?!?"

Jeongin chuckled at the other as he made his way to the bed. Hyunjin moved slightly further away from the other, holding their distance.

"Long enough to see you wake up baby."

Hyunjin froze before beginning to stutter and blush.

"D-don't call me that!"

Jeongin smirked and moved closer to Hyunjin.

"You are really cute..."

Hyunjin moves further but yelped when the bed suddenly began to end. He shut his eyes as he prepared for the hard landing on the floor but it never came. Instead he felt how two arms wrapped around his waist pulling him into a chest. He flushed as he realized that he was on Jeongin's chest!
The other chuckled as he shifted their positions, pinning Hyunjin's arms above his head, making the other flush more.

"J-Jeongin, l-let me go.."

"Baby boy remembered my name? Maybe I should give you an award baby..."

Hyunjin gulped and looked into Jeongin's eyes. The other closed the distance between them, he could feel Jeongin's breath. Hyunjin squirmed and flushed as the pink haired male chuckled lowly before letting him go.

"I wish I could do something but I have to wait for the others to return."

Jeongin whined and pouted. Hyunjin blushed and sat up, looking at the other.

"Where- where are they?"
"Ah,you mean the others?"

Hyunjin nodded slowly.

"I can't tell you yet darling. But I can show you around the mansion if you want."

Jeongin laughed and pecked Hyunjin's cheek making the other flush harder.

"Awwww, my baby boy is so cute when he's blushing."

Hyunjin just swatted Jeongin's hand away from his lips and whined.

"We are in a mansion?"

Jeongin nodded and something in the others eyes told Hyunjin that it was the only information he was going to get. Hyunjin gulped and lifted on the blanket. For the first time, he noticed how his clothes from before was gone and replaced with pink, fluffy onesie. Hyunjin bites the inside of his cheek as he realized:
They changed him?
He shook his head and turned to face Jeongin.

"My clothes-"

The other just laughed.

"We changed them yes. You body looks really delicious, you know."

Hyunjin's blood went cold. He had been naked in front of eight strangers, probably murderers! Those whom kidnapped his brother and those who he absolutely couldn't trust. Yet, Jeongin had broken down his defense so easy when he pinned the other down. Hyunjin shuddered as he thought of other things they might do. He hadn't done anything, not event fought, just enjoying the feeling.

Hyunjin was only there to find his brother. He wouldn't let his guard down.

He distanced himself from the other alpha, Jeongin stared at him as if he could feel the fear.

"What are you going to do to me?"

Jeongin stared at him quietly, his eyes turning darker and the innocent act disappeared.

"Nothing yet, pretty boy."

Hyunjin gulped before opening his mouth but closed it again.

"Why so quiet so suddenly hyung?"

A lamb. That was what he was. And his captors were the wolves, ready to make him fall. Even if Jeongin were younger than him, he knew for sure now, the alpha could easily beat him. Or worse, kill him. But he needed to know where Jinyoung is.

Jeongin watched the pretty boy with interest. This is going to be fun.

You Are Ours [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now