It was no surprise to anyone that Changbin was Felix's favourite member of the group; favourite member to play video games with, favourite member to cuddle with, favourite member to watch movies with - you name it. Whatever was going on, Felix made sure he was always with Changbin when it happened.
Chan was actually the first to predict Felix's fixation with Changbin when he came out as a little. At first, the leader of the group had to do some research on what little space actually was, and when he believed he'd familiarised himself with it enough, he immediately predicted Changbin would be his go-to caregiver.
Or, he would have liked to predict.
Due to Changbin's work as a producer, his and Felix's timetables rarely ever synched up, leaving the other members to look after Felix when he was little. That wasn't necessarily a problem, since the other eight members all played the role as Felix's caregiver, but it was definitely a problem for Felix.
He wanted Changbin, not Chan. And he always made it very clear when Changbin was supposed to be looking after him but couldn't.
The others tried to understand, they really did, but the only one who could actually put Felix in his place when he was being bratty about wanting Changbin was Minho, surprisingly.
Chan was too soft for Felix, Hyunjin was honestly a little scared of him and never knew how to follow through with punishments while Jisung and Jeongin were just clueless altogether. Seungmin was probably just below Minho, but always left Minho to sort Felix out when he was misbehaving.
Like now. It was a Friday, the day where Changbin was supposed to be looking after Felix, but their manager had asked the young rapper to go over some lyrics he had written for their new album and fix some errors. It sounded simple, but Changbin had been gone for most of the day, finding other things he needed to fix and couldn't leave unfixed when he'd seen them.
This caused Felix to be in a mood all day, slapping Jeongin when the youngest tried to hug him because he only wanted Changbin. He'd almost given Hyunjin a nosebleed when he threw a tantrum and that led the eight boys to where they were now.
Felix was sitting on the floor crying his heart out, face red and streams of tears trailing down his chubby cheeks.
His six caregivers (the ones present) were all sitting a relative distance away from Felix, just in case he killed one of them, giving each other worried looks.
"Felix, honey," Minho was the first to speak up, moving so he was sitting on his knees in front of the younger boy. "Felix, we know you want Binnie, but he's busy right now."
Hearing this only made Felix cry harder, and his caregivers were actually worried he would pass out from crying so much. Minho's strategy with Felix was to always be nice first, and if that didn't work then he would try and put him in his place.
"Lee Felix, if you don't stop throwing this silly tantrum right now, then I'll ring Binnie and tell him not to come tonight," he threatened, folding his arms across his chest.
"Minho, that's-" Chan started, but cut himself off when Felix's wailing sobs began to calm down.
"Wow," Jisung breathed out as Minho shuffled closer to Felix.
"Good boy, Felix," the dancer praised softly, threading his fingers into the younger boy's orange locks.
"Pwease don't call Binnie," he sniffled, and Minho cooed.
"You know I wouldn't, baby," he reassured. "Now, will you listen to us for a few minutes, Felix?"
The Australian boy nodded and let Minho cuddle him close to his chest.
"Baby, we know you really miss Binnie," Chan started. "But sometimes he gets really busy and can't always be there when you're little. And that's why we're here, so that when you're little there's always someone here to look after you. We know Binnie is your favourite and that you really love Binnie, and I bet Binnie really misses you right now, too."
"We all get busy, sometimes, Felix - even you do," Minho began explaining, stroking Felix's bangs away from his eyes. "You have to remember that what Binnie does is very important for the group, and if he didn't do what he did then we wouldn't be able to perform like we do now."
"It's ok to miss Binnie, but honey you can't keep throwing tantrums like this whenever Binnie isn't here," Chan continued, and Felix nodded. "We all love you and we all want to do our best to look after you, but it feels like we're not getting the chance to. Binnie can still be your favourite, baby, no problem at all. But let us look after you, too, ok?"
Felix nodded sadly, getting up from Minho's lap and crawling over to Chan. The leader helped the redhead onto his lap, kissing his temple gently as he rocked Felix back and forth in his lap.
"'M sowwy, Channie," he apologised feebly, and Chan rubbed his arm up and down. "An' 'm sowwy for swapping you, 'Innie, and almost hurting Hyunnie. 'M I getting punishies, Channie?"
Chan looked down at Felix, bottom lip tugged between his teeth.
"Not this time, baby boy," Minho spoke up, and Chan internally thanked him for taking over. "But now you know, we can't keep letting you get away with it. Next time, there will be a punishment."
Felix nodded at that, and just then the door opened. Chan was pretty sure he heard Hyunjin, Jeongin and Jisung sigh in relief when Changbin stepped around the corner, looking very confusedly from the crying Felix in Chan's arms to everyone else surrounding him.
"What did I miss?" He asked, running a hand through his hair as he shrugged his rucksack off.
"A very eventful day," Seungmin muttered as Changbin knelt down in front of Felix, who was still curled up in Chan's lap, and frowned.
"'Lix, baby, have you been crying?" He asked softly, and Felix shook his head.
"He really missed you today," Hyunjin explained, and Changbin looked the boy to his baby, expression softening significantly.
"Oh, baby," he cooed softly, and Felix slowly reached out for the older rapper.
Changbin scooped the little up into his arms, hiking him up onto his hip and letting Felix hug him tightly.
"I missed you too, baby boy," he whispered, one hand going up to stroke Felix's hair as the latter relaxed into him. "Are you tired, 'Lix? I'll take you to bed."
Felix nodded, and the others did their best not to sigh in relief.
"Thanks, guys," Changbin smiled at his group-mates before taking Felix to his bedroom to tuck him in.
"Binnie's my favourite," Felix suddenly murmured, and Changbin figured he was already half-asleep.
"And you're my favourite too, baby."
hope you enjoyed :)

{completed} cuties » stray kids
Fanfictionstray kids little space one-shots :) softbinnie-©