temporary caregiver!chanjisung realises a few things and hopes chan still feels the same.
Jisung stood outside the movie theatre, waiting anxiously for Renjun to arrive. He kept looking around frantically and checking his phone, but the latter wasn't exactly something he was doing for Renjun.
Jisung hadn't spoken to Chan since he told him he was giving things with Renjun another go, and Jisung hated it. He'd been falling behind in his classes again, losing focus when it came to homework and he'd been generally disconnected from life since it happened. He didn't realise how much better life was when Chan was there, and only noticed when he didn't have Chan anymore.
So the checking of his phone was more to see if Chan had texted him as well as Renjun. Part of him was wishing he would get a text from Renjun cancelling on him last minute. He liked to do that when they were together before, but of course he was a "changed man", as he had put it.
Jisung jumped when he heard the voice behind him, but hid his surprise with a forced laugh.
"Renjun," he laughed as he turned around. "You scared me."
Renjun was smiling wide, and Jisung figured he must've been looking forward to this.
"Sorry," he giggled. "Just got a bit excited."
Jisung tried his hardest to look sincere when he smiled, but he knew he didn't and so he turned away and tilted his head in the direction of the entrance. "Shall we go in? Our film starts in ten."
"Guess my advice isn't so sound after all," Minho pouted, resting his chin on his arms which were on the desk in front of him.
"I didn't even get to tell him anyway," Chan countered, slumping back in his chair. "He said he had something to tell me too so I let him go first."
"To be honest, getting back with Renjun isn't a good idea," Changbin said. "He's not exactly the most understanding boyfriend."
Chan shrugged. "It's not my place to say. If Jisung wants to be with Renjun, then he should be with Renjun."
Minho's eyes widened. "You're taking this extremely well, hyung. Binnie, just know that if you ever do that to me, I will kill you."
Changbin rolled his eyes. "Shut up, I'm not gonna do that to you."
"It's fine," Chan replied. "If Jisung's happy then so am I."
He didn't mean that at all.
Jisung couldn't stop fidgeting throughout the movie. He'd always been a naturally fidgety and antsy person, but it was worse now that he was actually uncomfortable. He couldn't stop thinking about Chan, which he knew was bad considering he was on a date with someone else.
Renjun noticed, and even tried to wrap his arm around Jisung's shoulders to calm him down, which only made him feel worse, but Jisung appreciated the thought.
"Are you ok?" He asked halfway through the film, leaning in and whispering in Jisung's ear in a way Jisung didn't expect. He jumped again, but nodded.
"Yeah, sorry, I'm just kind of out of it today," Jisung whispered back, shuffling back in his seat. "Long week."
Renjun cooed. "Aww, it's ok, baby. Daddy's here."
At that Jisung positively recoiled, breaking free from Renjun's arm around his shoulder and standing up.

{completed} cuties » stray kids
Fanfictionstray kids little space one-shots :) softbinnie-©