Hyunjin didn't really know what to do with himself.
Being a professional dancer, you would expect him to always have lots of work to do, choreographing, practicing, actually performing. But no. Today (and for the past two weeks) he had had no work to do. His agent hadn't rang or texted to tell him he had work, so Hyunjin just assumed he didn't.
And he was grateful for the time off he'd been given, as it allowed him time to spend with his boyfriend and little. Jeongin had loved it too - he still did - but Hyunjin noticed he had been locking himself away in his bedroom a lot more often during the day. Hyunjin was able to afford to convert the gym in the spare room into another bedroom when Jeongin came out to him as a little, since he worked out enough as it was.
Now, Hyunjin didn't mind that Jeongin wasn't spending as much time with him, since the younger was still a student and had assignments and essays to do. Hyunjin would never understand all the hassle Jeongin went to for his education, but he supposed he couldn't really talk since he dropped out of high school to pursue his dream of dance. If he had decided to stay in education, he would've been in the year above Jeongin.
But Hyunjin missed his boyfriend, despite spending so much time with him over the past two weeks. Plus, Jeongin was in his own bedroom, the one he only used when he was little, which led Hyunjin to believe Jeongin was in little space without him. This wasn't so unnecessary, since Jeongin was a rather independent little, but he still worried.
Deciding to go and check up on his baby, Hyunjin stood from the couch and made his way to Jeongin's bedroom. Knocking on the door softly, he opened it ajar to see Jeongin suddenly move to cover up whatever he was doing on the floor, cheeks and the tips of his ears red.
"Baby? What are you doing?" He asked, and Jeongin whimpered.
"Nothin', Daddy," he lied (it was so obvious) and Hyunjin raised an eyebrow at him.
"Come on, baby, we don't lie now, do we?" Hyunjin asked rhetorically, and Jeongin shook his head. "Let me see what you're doing."
Hyunjin's tone was authoritative, and Jeongin knew better than to disobey him.
Gnawing on the inside of his cheek, Jeongin moved away from the piece of paper he was trying to cover, looking down at his hands nervously as Hyunjin cocked his head to the side to read what he had written.
Across the top of the A3 sheet were the words ''Innie's wules' written in pink felt tip. Hyunjin raised an eyebrow in confusion before sitting down next to Jeongin.
"What's this for, baby boy?" He asked, tone softer now as he had seen that what Jeongin was doing wasn't naughty.
"Wules, Daddy," Jeongin answered. "'Innie needs dem."
"Why does 'Innie need them, baby?" Hyunjin asked, fearing he already knew the answer.
Hyunjin had spoken to Chan a few times about rules, the older boy stating he didn't believe Jeongin needed them since he was so good. Chan's little, Minho, however was the complete opposite of Jeongin. He misbehaved all the time and always broke rules, yet Chan managed to deal with him just fine.
He didn't think Minho misbehaved on purpose, but he was always known for being a bad influence on Jeongin. Hyunjin feared this had something to do with Minho.
"Minnie said I should have dem..." Jeongin answered, and Hyunjin's fears were confirmed. "H-He said dat Channie gives him spankies sometimes, a-and dat ish fun, Daddy."

{completed} cuties » stray kids
Fanfictionstray kids little space one-shots :) softbinnie-©