harsh » hyunsung

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baby space!jisung

baby sung was requested by adorkoo and Hayes_William so i hope you enjoy! i decided to combine your two requests since they were really similar! i really liked this one hehe


Jisung hated a lot of things, a lot of people.

But no amount of hate he had ever felt for anything in the past could compare to the pure, unadulterated hatred he had for Hwang Hyunjin.

Jisung wanted to scream in his face, square up to him and tell him he didn't need his condescending help but he couldn't do that because 1. Hyunjin was a lot taller than him, and 2. Jisung did actually need his help. He was just glad that he wasn't the one who asked for it, because if he had then his pride would've been completely shattered by now.

"Hyunjin," one of the choreographers pulled the taller boy aside at the end of the daily practice.

Jisung smirked to himself, figuring Hyunjin was about to get scolded for something, and started packing up his things slower as the witness him get chewed out.

"I need you and Jisung to stay behind for a few hours."

Well. That wasn't what Jisung was expecting. Standing up straight, Jisung's head whipped around to look at the dance teacher and Hyunjin.

"Jisung's not getting the dance 100% yet, and since you were the best one today I need you to go over the dance with him," the dance teacher explained, giving Jisung a very obvious side-eye.

"Of course, I can do that," Hyunjin replied with a smile, and Jisung had half the mind to slap both of them. But he bit back whatever quick remark he had in his head (and his hand) and swallowed his pride. He knew Hyunjin was one of the best dancers in the group (although he would rank Minho higher, no reason in particular).

Jisung knew if he wanted to debut, he would need to take the hit and let Hyunjin help him.

"What's wrong with you?" Hyunjin asked as Jisung stepped out of place again. "This is like the twentieth time you've messed up on the same move."

"Give me a break, ok?" Jisung replied, taking off his beanie so he could scratch his head in frustration. "Not everyone can be blessed with super dance skills like you."

"There's no need for sarcasm," Hyunjin scolded, rolling his eyes at Jisung's pettiness.

"Then stop being such a dickhead and actually teach me instead of complaining," Jisung quipped, feeling the stress slowly starting to creep up his spine. He was tired, he was hungry, he was angry - he was everything.

He would've taken being anywhere else in the world if it wasn't with Hwang Hyunjin. But of course, the world didn't favour him at this moment in time. Jisung thought Hyunjin would maybe quip back, but he didn't, just walked over to the side to restart the music.

Jisung tried to concentrate, he really did, but he could feel Hyunjin's condescending gaze on him from the corner of the room, and it completely threw him off, causing him to stumble and fall to the floor with a painful sounding thud.

Jisung didn't even feel the pain at first; all he could feel was the frustration, stress and anger suddenly dumping itself on him, and he covered his face with his hands and screamed.

"Fuck!" He yelled so loud, he was sure Chan would be able to hear him in his soundproof studio. "Fuck, fuck fuck!"

"Jisung, Jisung, hey," Hyunjin knelt down next to Jisung, placing one of his hands on the younger's lower back to keep him sitting upright.

Jisung just cried, bawling like he'd never bawled before, and Hyunjin reached up to take Jisung's hands from his face slowly.

"Jisung, are you hurt?" He asked softly, and Jisung shook his head, his cries slowly starting to subside to sobs and sniffles. "Ok. Can you stand?"

Jisung nodded, not bothering to shrug off Hyunjin's arms on his back and his hand holding his as Hyunjin led Jisung back to the dorm. He had no idea why Hyunjin was being so soft with him, why he wasn't telling him to grow up and stop being so stupid. It made Jisung wonder if Hyunjin knew.

All of a sudden, Jisung looked up at Hyunjin worriedly, and the elder looked back down at him blankly.

"What?" Hyunjin said, and Jisung swallowed the lump in his throat.

"You know, don't you?" He asked, voice shaking.

When Hyunjin nodded, he felt like a brick had just been dropped in his stomach and he wanted to go home, back to Malaysia, back anywhere before he met Hwang Hyunjin. He didn't even realise his breath had started to pick up in his throat until Hyunjin was there, shushing him and stroking his hair and doing all the right things.

"Baby, I'm not here to judge you," he reassured, taking both of Jisung's hands in his bigger ones as he led Jisung to the bathroom. "Not something like this. I can help you."

"You'll just think it's weird..." Jisung hiccuped, his voice slipping higher an octave.

"No, I won't, Sungie," Hyunjin said softly. "I promise I can help you, baby, you just need to tell me what it is you need."

"But you hate me..." Jisung replied with a sniffle, causing Hyunjin to laugh lightheartedly.

"I have never said I hate you, Sung," he countered, continuing to stroke Jisung's hair. "You're always the one saying you hate me."

There was no venom behind Hyunjin's words, and Jisung knew Hyunjin wasn't saying it to make him feel bad, but he still did.

"'M sowwy, Jinnie..." Jisung apologised feebly, looking down at where his hands were joined with Hyunjin's.

"No need to be sorry, love," Hyunjin reassured, tipping Jisung's chin up with his finger. "That's all in the past now."

Jisung nodded as his eyes darted around Hyunjin's face, all thoughts in his head silenced when Hyunjin kissed him on the forehead softly.

"Come on, baby, let's cuddle."


surprise update! i'm in a very good mood and am feeling generous so here you go~!

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