caregiver!changbinpart two!
Letting out a long, irritated sigh, Hyunjin flopped down onto the sofa, feeling the weight of his situation finally setting on his shoulders.
"Fuck, I really messed up, guys," he muttered, tears filling his eyes as he buried his face in his hands.
"Hey, no you didn't, Jinnie," Felix reassured, him and Jisung moving to sit on either side of him. Being the supportive friends they are, they each wrapped an arm around each of Hyunjin's shoulders, hugging him. "Just tell us what happened, please?"
"He'd- he'd been working for a long time, nearly the whole day," Hyunjin began. "He was gone before I woke up. I'd been really bored and lonely all day - and little - and I was so excited for him to come home so we could finally play and when he came home, I guess I got a bit too excited..."
"What did he do, Jinnie?" Jisung asked, rubbing the elder's back in circles.
"Well, he yelled at me," he answered. "Swore as well. He said something about me yelling in his ear which really annoyed him and he told me to shut up too."
Felix and Jisung both gasped in shock, Felix mumbling something in English that sounded like a swear word Hyunjin had heard Chan use sometimes.
"That's horrible," the Australian tutted, shaking his head. "Changbin-hyung knows you're a little, why would he say those things to you?"
"I don't know, Felix," Hyunjin replied. "But it was partly my fault, I guess-"
"No, don't say that!" Jisung interrupted, frown prominent on his face. "None of this is your fault, Jinnie. Changbin-hyung should've handled the situation a lot better than yelling at you. He's the one who should be sorry."
"Sungie's right," Felix agreed, nodding. "You've done nothing wrong, Jinnie, and we're not going to let you blame yourself for this. You're staying here tonight, no questions asked."
"Yeah, and if Changbin-hyung calls or comes round, we'll tell him where to go."
"Dude," Chan said, unable to find the right words for what he'd just heard.
"I know," Changbin groaned, head in his hands.
"You told him to shut up?" Minho asked, not sure if he'd heard that correctly.
"I know," Changbin repeated, looking up at his friends with red eyes.
"Dude, you have to go and sort this out," Chan stated, and Changbin sighed.
"I've tried calling him like fifty times," the youngest of the three replied. "He's not picking up, neither are Felix or Jisung. I bet they all hate me right now."
"Come on, don't think like that," Chan tried to reassure, sitting down next to Changbin. "It was an honest mistake, we all make them."
"Yeah, but I shouldn't have snapped at him like that," Changbin replied. "He told me that I'm the only person he trusts enough to be little around, go figure. I've broken his trust and that's something I've always said I would never do."
"It was a moment of rage, Changbin, we all get them," Minho reassured. "I bet Hyunjin's said some things to you that he regrets."
"Yeah, but none of them were as bad as this," the younger groaned, rubbing his eyes viciously with the palms of his hands.
"Well, I say you stop feeling sorry for yourself and go and put an end to this mess," the oldest shrugged. "You know Felix and Jisung won't let Hyunjin call you so it's up to you to sort this out."
"You're right, hyung," Changbin sighed and stood up, grabbing his phone and keys from the coffee table in front of him. "I'm going over there now. Will you wait for me to come back?"
"You're kidding, right?" Chan asked, standing up next to Changbin. "We're coming with you."
Hyunjiin sat in between Jisung and Felix, snuggled up to the two of them with a blanket wrapped around him and a dummy in his mouth. Felix was kind enough to run up to the convenience store around the corner to buy the older male a pack of two dummies, since he was starting to feel little.
At first, Hyunjin was very, very reluctant to be little in front of his two best friends, but Felix and Jisung were so patient with him, and treated him like he was the only person in the world that mattered. It was really nice, but not as nice as things were with Changbin.
But Hyunjin decided not to mention his boyfriend, and was instead grateful for his best friends' kindness.
The three of them were watching cartoons on the TV when the doorbell rang, and Felix excused himself to go and see who it was. With the warmth on his left side now gone, Hyunjin rolled over and Jisung cuddled him tighter, reaching a hand up to stroke the older male's brown hair.
"Please, just let me talk to him," Hyunjin could hear from the hallway, and he immediately recognised that voice.
Jisung felt Hyunjin tense up against him, and looked down in worry. Felix sighed as he re-entered the room, Changbin following feebly behind him.
"Jinnie, honey," the Australian boy began, kneeling down in front of Hyunjin. "Changbin just wants to talk to you, ok? He realised what a big poopyhead he's been and he's come to apologise."
Hyunjin hesitated but nodded anyway, cuddling further into Jisung's side when Felix moved out of the way and Changbin sat down in front of him.
"Hi, baby," Changbin whispered, in awe at how beautiful his baby looked, and at how stupid he had been to treat him so badly. "Daddy is so sorry, beautiful."
The older reached up gently to stroke Hyunjin's dark brown hair, feeling his heart break into two when he saw his boyfriend visibly flinch. "Daddy's not going to hurt you, baby, I promise."
The four of them sat in silence for a minute or two until Changbin sniffled.
"Hyung..." Jisung said sadly, and Changbin shook his head gently.
"Don't. Please, Jisung," he begged, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. "I don't even deserve to be crying right now, so don't take pity on me."
Too little to understand what Changbin was saying, Hyunjin's eyebrows creased worriedly at the sight of his daddy crying, and leaned his head further into Changbin's hand, causing the older male to look up at him.
"God, you're so beautiful, Hyunjin," he whispered. "I don't know what I did to deserve you but I love you so much. My perfect boy."
Hyunjin whimpered when he saw more tears fill Changbin's eyes and detached himself from Jisung to open his arms up for Changbin. The elder made no hesitation in standing up, picking Hyunjin up off of the couch and hugging him so tightly that he himself was worried he would break him.
"Daddy nu cwy," Hyunjin mumbled behind his dummy. "Baby forgives Daddy."
"Thank you so much, angel," Changbin inhaled heavily. "Daddy's just been so stressed out recently, baby, and that's no excuse for him to take it out on his precious boy but Daddy promises he'll never do it again."
A sniffle came from Changbin's right, and the male turned around with Hyunjin in his arms to see Felix wiping away his own tears.
"Oh, come on, you guys are adorable!" Felix argued, standing up. "Get out of my house before I adopt the both of you."
Changbin smiled at his two friends, thanking them for all their help before he carried Hyunjin out of the small house. Granted, they received a few strange looks, especially when Hyunjin refused to let go of Changbin when the elder had secured him safely in the passenger's seat.
But the two of them managed to get home with Hyunjin barely able to keep his hands away from Changbin, and when Changbin did manage to carry Hyunjin through the front door, it was safe to say that they had a lot of cuddle time to make up for.
we love a happy ending :)

{completed} cuties » stray kids
Fanfictionstray kids little space one-shots :) softbinnie-©