caregiver!chanand they all lived happily ever after.
"Daddy, I hit it," Jisung pouted behind his dummy, holding his finger up to Chan's face.
Chan inspected the wound, a teeny little red mark on Jisung's pinky finger, and pouted too, taking ahold of the boy's hand and pressing a gentle kiss to the digit.
"There we go, pretty baby," Chan smiled, kissing Jisung's forehead before ruffling his hair. Jisung giggled, pastel green dummy still in his mouth as he turned back round to the stickers in his hands and on the bed.
Chan's arms instinctively tightened around Jisung's waist, a small reminder that the younger was still on his mind even when Changbin and Minho were here.
The three of them had been talking about something prior to Jisung slipping, but now that Jisung was little and babbling quietly behind his dummy, all the attention in the room was on him. Jisung was sitting in Chan's lap, his back pressed to Chan's chest as Jisung played with his stickers. Within ten minutes of Jisung slipping, Chan's forearms were covered in stickers and so was one of Jisung's cheeks.
Chan was very much used to Jisung's ways when he was little, so he didn't bat an eye when Jisung started covering them both, but Minho and Changbin were enamoured.
"He's so cute," Minho whispered, probably to himself, as Jisung gasped, turning his head to show Chan an exceptionally cute sticker.
"That's such a pretty one, baby!" Chan gasped. "Where's baby gonna put it?"
Jisung didn't answer verbally - it was rather hard to when he was this little and had a dummy in - but he peeled the sticker off it's back and pressed it to Chan's noise gently.
"Oh!" Chan exclaimed, acting surprised, but he didn't have to act as Jisung leaned in and pressed his lips, covered by his dummy, to Chan's nose, mimicking the way Chan kissed Jisung's nose all the time.
Chan's heart swelled with fondness as he smiled, kissing Jisung's nose in return. "Pretty baby."
"Wow," Minho whispered, causing Chan to look back over at him. He'd honestly forgotten Minho and Changbin were there, so wrapped up in Jisung and the younger boy's warmth that nothing else really mattered to Chan at that point. But his friends were still there (whether that's a good or bad thing, Chan couldn't really decide) and he smiled at them.
"Sorry, Min, what were you saying before?" He asked, and Minho looked from Jisung's hands to Chan's face, dazed.
He blinked. "I can't even remember anymore, dude."
Changbin snorted. "I think Minho wants to steal Jisung from you."
Hearing his name, Jisung looked up and around curiously, looking back at Chan when he didn't receive any sort of answer from anyone.
"They just think you're cute, baby boy," he reassured, kissing Jisung's forehead again. The little whined something intelligible and snuggled further back into Chan's chest. "He gets embarrassed when other people call him cute."
Jisung whined again and turned around fully in Chan's lap, sitting up on his knees and leaning close to Chan's ear. Chan braced Jisung with hands on his tiny waist and smiled when Jisung whispered into his ear.
"Go on then, baby," he encouraged softly, patting Jisung's bottom. "I'm sure they'd love that."
Spurred on by Chan, Jisung crawled out of his lap and lowered himself from the bed to the floor, crawling along until he was sat on the floor in front of Changbin. The latter was also sitting on the floor, back against Chan's wardrobe, and his eyes widened a little when he saw Jisung crawling towards him.
Jisung silently held up his half empty sheet of stickers, sucking on his dummy as he peeled one off and put it on one of Changbin's cheeks gently. The elder was speechless, and watched as Jisung then crawled to Minho, who was sitting in Chan's desk chair. The brunette leaned down when Jisung whined, not fully getting off of the chair but pushing his head out so Jisung could reach him.
The younger boy did the same thing for Minho as he did for Changbin, sticking a sticker on his cheek before pulling away and crawling back to Chan. The eldest picked Jisung up from the floor and onto his lap in no time, holding him close.
"Don't they look pretty, baby!" Chan exclaimed, tickling Jisung's sides and causing Jisung to squeal in delight. "Baby did such a good job!"
Jisung giggled some more, shying away from Chan's hands and failing miserably. It had been another few months since Jisung showed up telling Chan he was in love with him, and later that night, Chan had asked Jisung to be his boyfriend, which Jisung accepted happily. They spent that first night sharing sweet little kisses while Jisung teetered on the edge of little and big, but after a few hours he'd slipped completely, clinging to Chan like a lifeline as the two fell asleep.
Even after then, Jisung was exactly the same. Clingy and touchy, always having his hands somewhere on Chan whether they be curled in Chan's clothes or wrapped around his arms. Jisung found security in holding onto Chan, and Chan always indulged him when he was feeling clingy - which was essentially all the time.
Especially when he slipped deeper into his headspace, becoming tiny and craving his daddy's attention all the time, Chan was always happy to hold Jisung close and let him crawl all over him like a little cat.
Chan chuckled as Jisung hugged him, little arms wrapped around his neck. Chan reciprocated the action but also didn't want to subject Changbin and Minho to them being disgustingly sappy, so he kissed Jisung's uncovered cheek quickly and patted his waist.
"Come on, baby, cuddle time later," he said, attempting to push Jisung away gently but only receiving a whine in response. Jisung was never normally bratty, and Chan didn't like to punish him or even give him warnings, so he was grateful when Minho stood up and smiled understandingly at them.
"No need," he said. "Binnie and I are just leaving. Enjoy your cuddles, sweetheart."
Minho blew a kiss at Jisung and Changbin waved at him in ᵗᶦⁿʸ before the two of them left. Jisung whined when they were gone, turning back to Chan with a look in his eyes that Chan could never refuse. With a smile on his face, Chan fell back against the mattress, taking Jisung with him. The little squealed in surprise as he fell on top of Chan, but giggled when Chan started tickling his sides.
They rolled around for a bit until they were both under the covers, Jisung pulled close to Chan's chest and Chan's arms wrapped securely around Jisung's waist. He would never grow tired of cuddling with Jisung. The younger was skinny and small, but he fit perfectly between Chan's arms, and Chan wouldn't change that for the world.
"I love you, baby," he whispered, kissing the crown of Jisung's head as Jisung settled in next to him.
Jisung whimpered something in response, and even though Chan couldn't understand what he said, he smiled anyway.
He knew Jisung loved him even if he didn't say it.
and that brings an end to this 5-shot! i only expected this to be 3 chapters at the most so 5 is a LOT. i hope you all enjoyed it though!

{completed} cuties » stray kids
Fanfictionstray kids little space one-shots :) softbinnie-©